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Ithis is where Stay , doms daughter . wish I was the one he really wanted. I am just his friend with benefits as he calls it. Even though he has a girlfriend he still shows up at my door. "but Cat she's not as good as you. You know how I like it." he tells me.

I have known Xavier since middle school. He was my next-door neighbor. It started like any boy next door. Until the night I was sitting outside crying my eyes out over my ex Jaxson. He broke up with me because I was too fat for him. Xav came and sat next to me in the grass and just made the pain go away even though Jax was his best friend. He put his arm around me and the next thing I know we are in his room having sex. He once told me he didn't want to ruin what we had over a stupid relationship, what we had meant more to him.

The night we graduated his parents were having a party for us. We were drinking and he was actually hanging out with me in front of people. He never wanted people to see us together he said he didn't want Jax to find out. Jax was also hanging out with us. The drinks just kept coming from Xav and Jax. I was feeling a little woozy and I asked Xav if I could go lay down in his room. He said yeah he and Jax even walked me up to his room. I remember laying down and smelling Xavier I must have fallen asleep. I woke up a little later and Xav was on top of me. It's not like he hasn't had sex with me before I just let him do whatever it would be over soon. I must have dozed off and I woke up feeling pain. I felt him still on top of me well I thought it was Xav I opened my eyes and it was Jax. I tried pushing him off of me he was too big and strong.

"Oh I see you wanna push me off of you but you let Xavier have his way with you huh ..... You fucking whore hen are you going to learn you are mine and only mine " he hissed to me in my ear. then I felt a pain in my face. He hit me on my face really hard. I felt the blood slowly run down the side of my face with the tears. I looked him in his eyes and just cried. It felt like he was taking forever. When he finished he leaned down as said " at least I used a condom unlike your little fuck boy. You ain't gonna ruin my life bitch" He got off of me and got dressed and left me lying there.

I could still the music downstairs. I found my clothes and got dressed. I ran downstairs crying my eyes out. I ran right into Xavier's chest. He grabbed me I tried to get away from him. He looked at my face and seen my bruised face and busted lip. He yelled at me "WHO THE FUCK DID THIS CAT?" I just looked at Jax who now was all over a little redhead. I got away from his grip and ran home.

When I got home I took a shower and got dressed. I laid in my bed and cried myself to sleep. I stayed in my bed for 2 days. Only getting up to go to the bathroom and get water. I couldn't eat
or do anything else. No one came to check on me, no one cared. That's when I decided to leave. I packed my things up and loaded them into my SUV. I was putting my last box in the back when I saw Xav and Jax walking out. Xav came over to me looking at my still bruised face "where are you going " he asked grabbing my arm. " I'm leaving Xav... I can't stay here anymore." I tell him with my eyes filling with tears. "because of him?" he said looking a Jax. I just nodded my head and walked away ....."By Xavier " I saw a look on his face I never seen towards me ever from him. He stood there and watched me drive away.

I finally get to the beach. I always wanted to live near the water. I figured I had enough money to last about a month or two. That would give me time to find a job. I rented a hotel for a week so I could look for an apartment. For the first two days, I laid in the room and cried. It's not the fact that Jax had sex with me it's what he said to me and that he hit me. That is what hurt and why would he do that to me. He could have any girl to have sex with him. I have so many questions but it doesn't matter now. I will never see them again. It's time to start my new life.

I found a one-bedroom apartment not far from the beach. I even got a job at an office as a junior PA. Things were going well for me. I was meeting new people and enjoying myself. I didn't think much of what happened just 2 months ago. I caught myself thinking about Xavier but quickly went away. I have even met a guy. We have been talking for a week or so.

I was laying in bed and felt that I needed to get sick. Hoping it was a stomach bug. I call into my job and stay in bed. It was weird I didn't feel sick after I threw up? Then " at least I used a condom unlike your little fuck boy. You ain't gonna ruin my life bitch" popped in my head ..... OH MY GOD AM I PREGNANT? I get dressed and run to the drug store and got a test. I hurry home and take the test. 5 minutes later .... Positive FUCK.....

I am 18 years old my life was just getting good. Well, I'm not gonna let this ruin my life. My life is only going to get better. I will raise this child. He or she will be a happy child. I got this nothing will stop me from being a good mother.

Six months later I have a beautiful baby girl. I hate to admit it my sky looks just like her daddy. It doesn't matter because she will never meet him. He's probably off at college having the time of his life. I am happy with my life. I wouldn't change it for anything now. This little girl is my world.

My phone would
And his name would show on the screen "momma who isxver? My would ask when she got to my phone before I did I just couldn't find it in me totalk to him my baby will be six years old six I have been doing it alon

Stay✅findhedfindhedbrong Rewritten Where stories live. Discover now