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BEEPBEEPBEEPBEEP!!! I slap my alarm clock and it thankfully turns off. The sun blinds my eyes as the sun's rays heat up my h/c hair. Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I hop out of bed and walk to the kitchen like a zombie.

Today is just an ordinary Summer Saturday morning. A band meeting was scheduled for today at 1:00pm. Right now it's 6:00am so I'm definitely an early bird when it comes to waking up. Just like my usual morning routine, I eat breakfast and brush my teeth. Then I change to my clothes and do the other stuff. Once I finish everything, I grab my bass guitar and head out. And of course I never forget to lock the doors.

Oh, I forgot. My name is y/n l/n. I'm the bassist for a band called Hotshot Bullets. We're pretty well known but not as well known as my favorite band Gorillaz. My friend Russel is the drummer for them. And I'm just here being the underrated bassist of Hotshot Bullets.

Anyways, I arrive at the studios we call: THE IGLOO. I know, it's not the best name for a studio but it wasn't my decision to name the studio. Blame it on the leader, Elias Whalik. He's the lead guitarist of the band. It was his dream to make this band and become famous. Elias used to be a big brother to me until we became well known. He encouraged the band to tease me about being so underrated. But sometimes they're nice to me. Everyone being against makes me the stupid underdog.

But that doesn't stop me from playing the bass. Music is part of my ambition and I always wanted to be part of a band since I was 5, and I won't let that dream stop.


"What's up, y/n?" Elias walks over to me and slings his arm over my shoulder. Everyone greets me warmly.

"The sky," I secretly roll my eyes and mumble. "So, what's the meeting about?"

"Take a seat and we'll start the meeting," Elias motions me to a red bean bag. I put my bass on the couch and sit down. "Today the manager talked to Gorillaz. Turns out we're gonna do a collab with them," He clasps his hands together. I can't believe it. I'm gonna play with Russel finally!

"YESS!!!" I jump up from the bean bag and do a little dance. The whole band looks at me like I murdered their families. As soon as I notice, I stop and sit back down. "Sorry..." I mummer.

"What's wrong with you?" Jeff, our drummer asks. Obviously, there was bitterness in is squeaky voice. Typical Hotshot Bullets...

"Why are you so excited?" Audrey, our singer asks. She's the only one who doesn't bully me 24/7. Audrey usually stands up for me when the others attack. But I count her as neutral because sometimes she makes fun of me.

"Well my old friend, Russel is the drummer of Gorillaz and I'm really excited to see him again," I chuckle and remember the good old memories with Russel.

"Well then. We have to get our stuff ready because we're gonna be going to Kong Studios," Elias looks at the blue wall clock.

I cant wait to meet Russel's friends!

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