Seeing Ace

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The road rushes by as we drive to the prison where Ace is staying. Adrenaline zaps through me repeatedly and a huge smile is slapped on my face.

I cant believe I'm gonna see Ace! I mentally squeal. I wonder how he will react! Should I confess to him though? Will he reject my confession? Will it-

"We're here!" Kat gets out of the car. I follow her actions and get my amp and bass out of the trunk. I immediately rush into the doors. A startled police officer jumps and looks at me with wide eyes.

"WHERE IS ACE COPULAR?!" I slightly shout at the officer. He walks up to me and pats my back.

"Hey chill, ma'am," he sighs and leads me down the halls. Kat and Elias follows behind me. "He's right over there." He points to the far left corner of the hallway. I thank him and hand onto my bass guitar and amp.

"Hey, is that your girlfriend Ace?" A feminine voice chuckles across from Ace's cell. I can hear him panicking.

"Y-y/n?!" He exclaims and shoves his head in between the bars. Well- not totally out but his face squished out like batter in a muffin mold.

"ACEEEEE!!!" I run to his cell and set things down. He hollers in excitement and tries to grab me through the bars but fails. "ACE I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!"

"I DID TOO!" Ace shakes the bars harshly and goes on his knees. "Why do you have your bass with ya?"

"We're gonna practice our part together while you're in jail," I sit down on the dirty and dusty floor. It's very disgusting but I'm here for Ace so I gotta deal with it.

"But I don't have mine," Ace grumbles and slumps on his knees. Elias casually walks by and sticks his bass guitar through the bars. Ace gasps and snatched it.

"Thank you so much!" Ace hugs his bass guitar and sits on the floor. But his expression changes immediately. "What about my amplifier?"

"We're just going to teach you the fingering in the parts," I say. "I made it while I was in the hospital."

"You played you bass in the hospital?" Ace asks me like I'm stupid. I nod and giggle. He copies my action.

The rest of the day was spent by joking around and practicing our part.

The Collab (Ace Copular x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now