The Truth

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"Well let's get in our groups," Audrey shrugs and walks over to 2D. They sit on the kitchen table and discuss singer things.

"Hi," Ace magically appears beside me. His bass is already in his arms and ready to go.

"Hi, Ace," I scoot over and pull my bass out of the case. The weight pulls my arm down but I resist and put it on my lap. I connect it to the amplifier and strum a sharp but soft note. The amplifier vibrates as the sound waves dance away. "We better get to work instead of lessons heh."

"Yeah. We're kinda behind," he scoffs. "Let's think of a bass part together."

"Yeah, yeah. That's it. That's what we should do," I softly slap my bass. "Let's make it groovy. Something catchy too."

Ace strums some notes on his bass, trying to find the right scale to use. The sound of chatting fills the house but something makes me feel disturbed somehow. I take short glances around and everything looks normal. Until my eyes reaches the drumming area.

Russel is glaring at our direction; specifically Ace's direction. Unlike Jeff who is having fun banging on his drums, Russel gives me a look too that makes my stomach clench together. He must be seeing the suspension.

"Hey, Ace. I have a question for you," I distract myself. Ace looks up and tilts his shades a little. Oh my god that's hot.

"What's up, doll face?" He lowers his bass. Sweat once again oozes out of my pores, but this time they were visible. "Are you ok, y/n?"

"Uhm... have you ever been in a relationship?" I couldn't help but ask him. I just want to know if he finds this sleeping situation awkward. The green man coughs and harshly clears his throat. "Did I m-make this awkward?"

"Y-Yeah but I never been in a romantic relationship. Just a friendship," he sighs and looks back down at his bass guitar. "You?"

"Oh no. I w-was n-never in a romantic relationship," I choke on my words. Ace hums and keeps playing his bass. "But I wonder how it feels like."

"Same here," he doesn't make eye contact with me. "I've already fallen for someone but I don't think they'll like me back."

I nod slowly and play my bass guitar. Each note I make, the more I think of Ace's answer. Whoever is his love interest, is gonna go to their house and beat the shiz outta them. I mentally growl.


"Oh well. The meeting's over I guess," Elias looks at his watch and stands up. Noodle whines and pulls him back onto the couch.

"Noooo, Elias-San! Stayyy," she pouts. He sighs and gets back up.

"I'm sorry but the band and I need to get lunch," Elias scratches the back of his neck and soon rests his hand on it. Noodle sigh in defeat. Everyone cleans up and gathers their stuff, including the Hotshot Bullets. But as I'm putting my bass guitar away, Russel can be seen walking up to Elias.

"Sorry, mr. Whalik but may I talk to y/n before you guys leave?" He places his hand on Elias's shoulder. He puts a finger on his chin and thinks about it.

"Why?" Elias raises and eyebrow. I watch in the background in a frozen state, hoping I won't get caught.

"Ehm... privacy reasons," Russel explains. Elias nods in acceptance and Russel turns around towards me. He stomps towards my direction and stops very close to me.

"H-hi," I innocently wave and slap on a smile. Nothing happens.

"We need to talk."

"About what?" I gulp.

"What did Ace do yesterday?"

I look behind me and Ace is nowhere to be found. Then I see him waving goodbye in a cheerful manner to my band mates. Russel still glares at me.


"Don't ask me why, just tell me what happened!"

"FINE. He slept with me," I admit and immediately cover my face with my hands. The last thing I hear from Russel is a grunt and a thud. The footsteps of his fade into the distance and 2D and Noodle walk in.

"You're always the last one to leave," 2D chuckles. I nervously chuckle but all the chuckling didn't last long.

That's when I hear a loud bump against the wall.

"Russ! What are you doing?!" I hear Ace's squeaky voice in the hallway. Aw hell naw.

"What the?" Noodle shoots up and looks in the direction of the sound source. I run to the door and there I see the f/c car still in the parking lot.

"Elias, can you wait here for a moment?" I ask. The man rolls his eyes and slams his head on the wheel, making a loud beeping noise. "There's a situation I have to take care of!"

"Why did you sleep with y/n, huh?" Russel pushes Ace harder against the wall. His voice gurgles as he tries to cry for help. "Did you rape her?! Y'know y/n is like a little sister to me and I would do ANYTHING to keep her safe. Even killing you is one of my deeds to kee-"

"RUSSEL STOP!!!" I jump in the hallway and break the two men apart. The big man tries to attack Ace but I try my best to keep them away from each other. "Noodle help!"

"I'm coming!" She runs into the hallway. Noodle gets a hold of Russel's graphic tees and pulls him to the stairways while I pull Ace back to where we were sitting.

"What the hell was that?!" He grasps his neck while gasping for air. My hands turn red and warm as I try to hold the truth in.

"I... I told Russel what happened yesterday. With the sleeping," I gulp and avoid eye contact. But I can feel the dumbfounded felling in his eyes.

"YOU WHAT?!?!?!" Ace screeches and I jump a little.

"IM SORRY OK!" I grab my bass and head to the door. But something seizes my hand and prevents me from leaving. I look back to see Ace with a small smile on his face. But it's still a frown so...

"But thank you for saving my life," he thanks me and pulls me into a warm hug. The smell of cigarettes and sauvage dior cologne. Huh, why is he wearing that? And the hug though... why do I enjoy it more than my mother's hugs or anything? Why do I feel something in a romantic way?

"Enough hugging! I'm starving!" Audrey laughs and bursts open the car door. We pull away and I sadly leave with no goodbyes.

"Alright, I'm coming!"

The Collab (Ace Copular x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now