Music blasting and reuniting

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"I CALL SHOTGUN!" I jump in the f/c car. Elias takes the wheel and the others stay in the back. Hopefully they won't get car sick just like our last car ride... Anyways, Elias starts the car and drives. As soon as we went on the road, I blasted out Roses by Saint JHN (i know that song wasn't out during phase 5 but pretend it was). The speakers boom as the beat beats and I do a tiny dance, ignoring everyone looking at me. Even though I couldn't understand the words, I still love the beat and vocals.

"I honestly love this song," Elias says silently and starts bopping his head to the music.

"I honestly love this song," Elias says silently and starts bopping his head to the music

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"Yeah it's cool," Jeff also starts bopping his head. Soon, everyone is dancing and laughing. Elias is still paying attention to the road though, making him nod his head less. But every stop he makes, he nods his head tirelessly and we all dance and sing in our seats. Honestly, this was the best thing that happened in the band.

BEEP! We all freak out and shout at Elias to step on the gas. He does and the music is still blasting out loud at the volume level of 15. Pretty loud but we don't care. We all laugh and dance the whole ride to Kong Studios.


"Ok, guys. Get ready because they can arrive anytime," Russel announces and cleans up the studio. Some band called 'Hotshot Bullets' are coming to our studio to do a collab with us.

"Russel?" Noodle asks.

"Yeah, baby girl?" Russel looks down at the Japanese woman.

"Why are you so excited to see the other band?" She cocks her head to the side. I nod in agreement and get off of the couch.

"Well I forgot to tell you! One of my childhood friends from elementary school is the bass guitarist of that band. And we haven't seen each other since then."

"Bassist, huh. I bet they can't play as good as me," I boast and point at myself. Everyone laughs at me, including Russel.

"Oh please, Ace. She played the bass since she was 6 years old. You started like... not that long ago," Russel chuckles and ruffles my hair. I huff in jealousy and sit back down on the couch. "Plus, she's like the same age as you hehe."

All of a sudden, the doorbell rings and we all shoot up to answer the door. 2D ends up opening the door.

"Ello, luvs," he waves and welcomes them in. There I see the bassist of Hotshot Bullets. She looks around the studio with her mouth hanging open, the same way I reacted when I joined Gorillaz.

"Russ!!!" The bassist exclaims and runs into Russel's arms. She giggles as Russel twirls around with her in his arms. And then he sets her down, giving me a better view of her while she puts her bass on an empty rack.

She has h/l h/c hair and e/c orbs that shines in the bright light. I can't help but keep staring at her. She makes me feel... something.

Y/n's POV

"Y/n, you should meet my band mates," Russel says and orders the band to line up. Everyone looks unique in the group. There's a man with blue hair and white eyes, just like Russel; a Japanese girl, she looks nice to talk to; and a... green man with shades. Sick.

"Ello! I'm 2D!"

"Watashi wa Noodle!"

"Uhm... I'm- uh... I'm Ace Copular."

"It's nice to meet you guys. I'm Elias, the leader and guitarist. This is Audrey, our singer; Jeff, our drummer; and y/n, our bassist," Elias steps up and points at us. Noodle's eyes lights up and she skips towards Elias. Well she looks very enthusiastic!

"Hello, Elias! It's nice to meet another guitarist like me! Maybe we can get along easily," she shakes his hand rapidly.

"Yeah. Sure we can hehe," Elias pulls his hand away and clutches it in pain.

"Ok guys. I guess we gotta get together with our... what do I call this... instrument partners," 2D shrugs. We all agree with him and spread out. I see Ace in the corner clutching his bass nervously like he's about to have a nervous breakdown. So I walk over to him and tap his shoulder, making him jump and turn around.

"Oh! Um... hiii," he waves shyly. I wave back and sit on the couch behind us. But I realized that I don't have my bass with me.

"Excuse me hehe," I chuckle and leave the room to get my bass on the rack. As I walk towards the rack, I hear whispering behind me.

"Ace, why are you acting so weird?"

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