The Patient and the Prisoner

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The atmosphere kicked me out.

What the hell is happening???

Why is the world shaking?

My senses left me.

Beep beep beep.

"Y/n?" A deep female voice calls my name. Bundles of fingers crawl onto my shoulders as I squeeze my eyes shut, not ready for another hour of chaos. "Y/N, are you dead?"

"No I am not!" I choke out my words as I slowly open my eyes. Everything is a bit blurry so I rub the sleep out of my eyes and look around. Nothing is blurry now.

"Y/N!" The voice now multiplied. Kat has her hand on my shoulders; maybe that's why my body was shaking. Elias sits there behind her with a worried look on his face.

"Sup," I weakly smile. Elias scoffs and smiles back.

"The sky," he copies my typical response and sits up. I scoff and look out the window. The sun is already up and the bright rays heat my hair up. I look at my hip, which was wrapped with a long strip of bandage. It's stained red due to the blood leaking out. "Glad you're alive still."

"Yeah! We were so worried about you!" Kat sighs. It wasn't a sigh of deviation, but a sigh of relief. The two gives me a hug and sits back down on their chairs. I look at the beige ceiling and relax my muscles after all of the tension from yesterday.

Yesterday... oh no...

"Wait- WHERE'S ACE?!" I start to panic and everything gets tense again. My limbs start twitching and the wound starts stinging. Kat grabs my arm and tells me to calm down.

"Y/n! Calm down. Ace is fine!" She reassures me. "He's in jail though."

"WHAT?!" I shout and Kat flinches. "For how long?!"

"6 months for shoplifting," she fiddles with her fingers. Once again, I panic and prevent the stress from coming out.

"B-but... THE COLLAB?!" My voice box now hurts because of shouting. Nothing is in my head but Ace. Ace is all I can think about.

"Can you stop panicking?" Elias rolls his eyes and slumps down on his chair. Hot steam steams out of my ears as I try to hold my anger. Remember, I'm injured and one move can hurt me more. "Like what Kat said, he's FINE."

"Trust me, y/n," Kat looks into my eyes. "Everything is gonna go smoothly. As the band's manager, I will figure out a way to keep this collab moving."

I take vigorous breaths and run my hand through my hair. After what Kat said, my stress level goes lower and I start to relax.

Everything will go smoothly. Ace is fine and so are we. He will find a way out probably. He's a professional criminal or something so he can get away with it.

Ace's POV

"New here?" A female voice sounds in front of me. I look out at my prison cell to see a young woman in her 20s or something wearing the same prison uniform I'm in. She avoids eye contact with me and is completely turned against me. All I see is her shoulder length brown hair brushing against her neck.

"Well, yes but no," I shrug and look down. The smell of cigars and dust lingers in and out my nose, causing me to sneeze a small sneeze. The woman draws something on the wall with a piece of old chalk she found near her bed. It's something like a face or jalapeño.

Oh wait. That's me.

"I used to be an artist before I got into this crappy prison cell," she shades my hair quickly and still doesn't look at me. "It was a dream of mine to become an animator if some kind of Disney movie or something when I was 13. Then I end up here being a drug-addicted animator."

"Oh," I stand there awkwardly. Pieces of pebbles get into my black shoes as I shuffle my feet. "I'm a bass guitarist."

Somehow, silence was in the air right after I said that. The woman drops her chalk and puts her arm down with a small slap! on her knee.

"Now hold up," she holds up a finger and slowly turns around. Now I see her facial features for the first time. Pale skin and chocolate brown eyes. Bundles of hair sticks to her cheeks and connecting to her mouth like a water channel.

"There's hair in your mouth," I point out and she brushes the hair out. She grumbles.

"Anyways back to the subject. Are you Ace Copular?" The woman points at me and tilts her head to the right. "Bassist of Gorillaz?"

"Y-yeah," A crooked forms on my face. Memories of the band rush in my head.

And y/n. She's at the hospital. Oh frick I hope she's ok. I stand still, looking at the ground. Nothing happens but then the woman releases a gasp in awe.

"Holy shiz it's actually you!" The short woman gets up and walks to the bars. Her head almost squeezes out in between her cell just to take a good look at me. "My name's Marina. Marina Rocklod."

"Oh," my mind doesn't let the thought of y/n go. The sound of a prison guard's footsteps are echoing in the halls. He slaps his bat thing just like how I slapped my bass.

God, get me out of this place...

Hey guys I hope you like this chapter. I tried everything to make this book stay in its plot but if it is going a little confusing, please forgive me. I'm going through a challenging time in my life where I have to deal with my mental health. So I hope y'all have a great day and God bless you precious peeps.

The Collab (Ace Copular x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now