Escape pt.2

429 17 16

12:29 am 3rd person POV

"Ace!" Marina calls the sleeping man. His chest slowly rises up and down as he drowns into a deep and cozy sleep in his bunker. "ACE!!!"

Ace doesn't respond and snores anyways. The bright navy blue sky reflects new their dull orange uniforms. The stars twinkle brightly like skittles in the sky. Marina groans and picks up a random stone from the ground and throws it at his back. Ace groans and rolls over and faces the woman. Marina stands up and throws another one, aiming at his stomach.

"Marina, stop!" He groans one more time and groggily gets up. His eyes sting from the sudden alarm to get up. "What the hell do ya want?"

"The plan?" Marina reminds him. "The escape?" She rolls out a big sheet of wrinkled paper full of arrows and writing. Her hands run over the paper like she's a pirate looking over her map.

"How do we get out of our cells?" Ace tip toes to the lock and jingles the bronze circle. Marina takes out something from her brown hair and shoves it in the hole (don't even think about it.)

Ka-ching! The lock dangles loosely and the door satisfyingly slides open. The two prisoners slightly jump at the sudden realization that she unlocked the door.

"What if the guard look for us?" He asks uneasily. Sure he was in prison a bunch of times but he never escaped ever in his experience. Marina unlocks his cell door and shoves a bundle of pillows under the blanket and lines them up.

"The pillows look like our bodies. They won't notice until morning," she says. "Get your bass and amplifier and stay here. I'm gonna be in the security room and turn off the system."

Ace obeys and she disappears into the vent. While she's gone, he lies down next to the pillows and cuddles them. They somehow remind him of y/n.

"I'm coming home, y/n," he sighs a melancholy sigh and nuzzles his nose in the soft surface of the cloudy white pillow. "I promise."


"Ace, I'm here," Marina crawls out of the small opening. The green man slowly gets up and slings his bass guitar over his shoulder and carries y/n's amplifier in his left hand.

"So what do we do?"

"Alright," Marina pulls out her map. "The security guys are all knocked out in the building so we shouldn't make a fuss about getting out of this hellish place. The problem is the guards outside in those tower thingies. We have to avoid the light that they are using. That amplifier you have in your arms can be used as a weapon and knock anyone out."

"But it's not mine!" Ace takes off his glasses and hangs them on the collar of his shirt. "And if y/n finds out that there's blood on it then she's gonna freak out!"

"Huh," Marina rubs a thumb on her chin. "Who cares? We're gonna get out of this place and s/n will be a thing."

"Shut up!" Ace whisper-yells. "Let's just get this thing going."

Marina teasingly pinches Ace And leads him out.

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