711 Catastrophe

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"Ace?" I stop playing my bass and avoid eye contact with him. Ace copies my actions and looks at me.

"You ok, doll face?" He puts a hand on my shoulder. My spine tingles at the touch of his boney fingers.

"Yeah I'm fine but," his pink eyes trail around my face. "I have something in mind but it always disappears!" I lie and slap my bass.

"Hey hey hey! It's fine!" Ace lifts my chin up, making my e/c meet with his eyes. His shades aren't there so I get a clear view of his eyes. "If you wanna talk to me then talk to me."

I slump down on the sofa and stare at Ace with pain in my eyes.

How do I confess my darn feelings to this man?! I thought. Ace leans down to his case and puts his bass guitar inside. Without hesitation, I follow his actions and get up to get a snack.

Nothing is good in the food cabinet. Probably because I ate them all. But then a lightbulb flickers above my head and I snap my fingers silently like I'm an inventor who invented something.

"Eureka!" I say to myself. "Hey Ace!"


"Do you wanna go to 711 again?" I look back at him like a child wanting to go to Chuck E. Cheese. Ace coughs weirdly and puts his sweatshirt on.

"Yeah sure. Why?" He asks.

"Well, we can just get some food," My eyes trail to the empty cabinet and back to Ace's tall figure. Ace nods in agreement and head to the door. But then I get second thoughts.

I hope the cashier doesn't remember Ace.


Bing bong! The typical sound of the 711 bell rings as Ace opens the door for me and pulls his hood up. The air is pretty humid but cooler than earlier. The sun beams up over the building while saying it's goodbye for tonight. That's what I love about summer.

"Why are you putting your hood up?" I whisper to Ace.

"So they wo-" Ace gets interrupted by a man shouting. We both look forward to see a tan middle aged man with a bat in his hands.

"Freeze!" He threatens us and slowly gets closer to us. "You're not gonna rob my place again!" Oh shiz here we go again...

Ace looks around quickly for something to fight back but all he sees is chip bags and cigarettes. Everyone in the store is stuck on the floor frozen with shock as they watch the commotion happen.

"Shiz we have to go again!" Ace pulls my arm and the next thing I see is the man's bat turning into a gun. He starts shooting at random places due to his bad aiming but we manage to get away.

Everything is happening just like a quick and frightening trip through deja vu. The sirens are back again but this time the officers we shooting too. Ace's hand still clings onto mine like I'm the only thing he has left in his life, and I hope that's true.

And as we hop onto the motorcycle, a sharp pain shoots through like a bullet to the head, but it shoots through my hip. And that's when I knew I was shot. Crimson blood oozes out of the hole in my hip. My hands, the motorcycle, and Ace is covered in my own liquid and the world begins to fuzz up like a mosaic.

"Y/N!!!" Ace snaps his head back, noticing my wound. My body starts to spaghettify and the next thing I knew is I pass out.

But that's not it. I heard someone's voice boom over me. The voice was inaudible but my brain was able to translate it. It was something like...


Yo sorry the story is kriffed up. I honestly wanted to add more action and suspense but idk if it turned out well. Please let me know how it is.

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