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Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Is all I hear around me. Including some strumming of guitars and badum tss from the drums. There I sit on the couch alone strumming my bass and doing scales for warm ups. Ace and Russel had to have a private talk without me. Jeff also drums his drums without a partner but he's ok with that.

But I'm not. The first time I saw Ace, I felt different about myself and my emotions. Something I never felt before and don't hate feeling. Something called... being in love... with a darn jalapeño with shades.

"Hey, y/n," Jeff walks over to me and sits down. He lets his drumsticks roll off of the couch, landing with a big CLUNK! Jeff looks lonely so I decided to keep him company.

"Hey, Jeff," I smile lightly and he returns the favor. "Do you know what's happening with Russ and Ace?"

"Nah, I don't really know. But the only thing I heard from the conversation is that Ace is not acting normal right now," Jeff fiddles with his fingers. "Oh also, can I try your bass please?"

"Yeah, sure," I hand over my heavy bass to him. His fingers brush against the different sized strings like a blind person reading Braille. Then he strums a lousy D flat.

"Woah!" Jeff gasps and looks at my bass in awe. He continues to strum random notes while I wait for Russel and Ace to come back. Then I have an idea to keep me entertained.

"Yo, Jeff. Wanna see something I learned how to play way back in 7th grade?" I ask, hoping he would give my bass guitar back to me. He does. Intentionally, I turn my amp volume up and position it in my arms. And I start to play.

Everyone stops talking, including Russ and Ace. They watch me play with their mouths hanging open. Jeff runs to his drums and plays along with me. More confidence builds in my mind and I play with more swing. I take a short glimpse of Ace and see his green skin turn slightly pink. He sure is flustered hehe.

Soon I transition to another kind of style of my bass solo and start playing.

Jeff pauses for a moment to think of a beat for my solo. Once he thought of one, he starts playing and nodding his head.

"Oi, they're actually really good!" 2D cheers and Audrey nods in agreement. She and 2D put their hands together and clap to the beat. Russel walks into the room and cheers on. And that's when the solo is over and Jeff does a drum closing. Everyone claps and cheers and I bow down.

"Jeez, y/n! Where did you learn all of that?!" Russel pats my head and I giggle.

"I taught myself in 7th grade," I shrug. "It wasn't that hard. Anyways, let's get back to work because there's a lot of stuff we gotta go over for the song." Everybody gets back to work while I silently strum more notes on my bass. Footsteps sound behind me and I already know who it is.

"Hey uhh... that's some pretty nice moves you got there, y/n," Ace sits next to me with his bass in his arms. It's covered in colorful stickers, almost completely covering it. "Mind if you teach me someday?"

"Yeah I can totally teach you. And thanks for the compliment," I chuckle and avoid eye contact with him. I feel the tension between us and my body starts to tense up too. "Might as well teach you now?"

"Oh yes, that would be brilliant!" Ace exclaims and eagerly adjusts his shades.

"Alright!" I grin and start giving him a short lesson. We'll just take it step by step.

And this is a step towards my relationship with mr. Jalapeño.

My dudes, I stayed up until 2:35am just to make this chapter for you. So bon appetite. 🥔

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