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"Well I hope this song has a music video so we can spend more time together ," I sigh and tighten my grip on Ace's hand. He shakily sighs and pulls me closer with a side hug.

"Hey guys d- woahhhhh," Audrey randomly walks in and sees the tears in our eyes. Pain is engraved in our hearts and we try our best to hide it, but fail. "Are you guys ok?"

"I guess..." Ace sniffs. "Is there gonna be a music video for this song?"

Audrey exhales hesitantly and runs her hand through her long brown hair.

"We won't. We don't have enough money to afford it so we're on a tight budget."

My heart drops at the word that came out of her hands. But I still try to hold my tears in. Audrey sighs and leaves without a word. Ace pulls me into a bear hug and sobs his eyes out.

"I'm gonna miss you, toots," Ace's voice is muffled. He nuzzles his nose into my neck and holds me like I'm the only thing he has left in his life. I return the favor.

"I'll miss you too, Acey," I hug him tight and whisper into his ear. "And remember wherever you are, I will always love you."

We both sit there until we were separated.


The Collab (Ace Copular x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now