Cliché movie moment

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"Hey, y/n?" Ace keeps banging on my door. It's late at night; probably 11:54 am right now. Ace has been banging on my door for the past five minutes, trying to get into my home.

"Not now, Ace!" I answer back as I pace back and forth. My mind stresses out over what happened a couple hours ago in the motorcycle chase. Of course, I wouldn't want the band to know that I'm doing illegal stuff such as shoplifting.

"C'mon, y/n!" Ace yells. I grumble as I hear Ace's voice try to get into my house. "Let me in!"

"Why?!" I do not dare look back at him. "You have Kong Studios!"

"It's too late to go back." I stop dead in my tracks. Did he really sacrifice his time just to get me home? Did he really care for me? I mean, we're just friends and he shouldn't care that much for me!

"Fine," I grumble and unlock the door. He takes his boots off and walks into my house with his mouth hung open. Just like how I reacted to Kong Studios. "Like it, don't ya?"

"Yep," Ace looks around the halls and wonders into the kitchen. He reaches the dining table and puts the bag of nachos on it. "Let's watch a movie."

"Um, ok?" I shrug and head to the living room. My hands hover the myriad of dvds. Ace can be heard rummaging into his tan bag and pulling out the packs of chips. The refrigerator door opens and the clinking of tin cans and glass containers echo in my house. Let's hope he won't break anything.

I finally find the dvd I was looking for for the past few minutes. I slide it in the player and the TV automatically turns on.

"Hey, wait for me!" Ace runs in and jumps on my leather sofa. A drop of melted cheese plops on the cushion and Ace and I look at each other with a surprised expression. "Sorry..."

"It's fine. Let's just get into the movie," I sit next to him and pull my f/c blanket over our bodies. The movie starts and we both never take our eyes of the illuminating screen.

1 hour turned into a million years and my eyes feel like potato sacks being hauled into a pick up truck. Somehow it starts raining outside. The weather matches the vibe roaming in the air of my house: strange and silent I should say. Ace still holds me to his side while he keeps his eyes on the TV. Keeping my eyes open hurts and my eyes roll back to my head.

Come on, y/n! Stay awake! Don't make it like those romantic cliché moments where someone falls asleep in someone's arms. Everything will be awkward!!!

But I give up and black out anyways.

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