Best Day of my Life

391 13 31

4:38 pm

One more song to play then the song we worked on with Gorillaz with be performed. The tone in Audrey's voice echoes in the stadium/arena/idfk with a bit of tiredness. Still feel Ace's eyes on me and the others, but mostly on me.

The song soon ended and I almost fall over because of how tired I am.

"Well well well, fans. Looks like the concert is over but..." Audrey takes a dramatic pause and hold her pointer finger up. "We got a special guest here today."

Everyone becomes silent and confuse. They looked like they were thinking: I don't remember them having a special guest. But hA! They're wrong.

"Please welcome..."


The crowd goes wild and some even try to jump onto the stage as the Gorillaz walk into the stage. Ace stands next to me really close and he looks at me deep in the eyes. Deep down, I know he's glad he met me and we did this collab together. I look behind him to see Russel giving Ace the stink eye. 2D fistbumps Audrey as he grabs the other mic and Noodle and Elias hug.

"Hey, y/n," Ace runs his finger on his fingerboard.

"Yeah?" I answer softly.

"You wanna... y'know," Ace smirks. "Do a warm up? If you know what I mean?"

I tap my chin and think about what he said. Then a bell dings in my head.

"Aha! The thingy I taught you!" I snap my fingers. Ace joyfully nods and we turn our amplifier's volume down. I do a little countdown and before we start, I spot a small group of teenage girls fangirling and pointing at us. They record us.

Ace and I play a quick 'warm up' and let me tell you, he improved. Then a bunch of eyes stuck to us and soon the whole crowd is watching. Phones were held up to record us and eyes were staring to remember the experience.

Then we finish the warm up.

"Ok guys. You ready for our last song ft. Gorillaz?" Audrey cheers. The fans cheer too. Kat signals us to start from behind the stage and the two drummers start. We do our routine and so far, everything is going smoothly.


The people swayed to the music we played and close their eyes. We do the same thing and take deep breaths. 2D's singing voice is WAY better in the microphone than in person. We sound less sloppy compared to the practices.

I think about how much we've been through just to make Air Blanket completed. That includes Ace's mistakes: shoplifting, jail; and some of them are my mistakes.

Ace sneaks some glances at me and brushes his hand against my shoulder. How is that possible?

I honestly don't know. Probably Ace magic.

After le song

The bands all drown in the fan's screaming and we smile from cheek to cheek. Just before Audrey says goodbye to everyone, Ace runs up to the mic and takes it from her hands. Everyone including us looks at him perplexed.

"Attention everyone!" He waves. The eyes are on him. "Uh... h-hi. Um, I would like to say something important to someone. And I need your help... you guys need to make this a special experience for this person so please stay and... help me out."

"Ace! What the hell?!" I walk up to him. My cheeks heat up like the furnace at the Studios. He turns around and grabs both of my hands. The crowd gasps.

"Listen, y/n. I've known you for 4 or 5 months and I got to know you pretty well," he says and I can see the plead in his shades. I take them off.

"A-Ace. Stop," I huff.

"Y/n, please! I just wanted to know if..." he hesitates and his grip loosens. The crowd starts chanting do it. I look off at the distance and see Murdoc and Marina. They were chanting too.

Ace sighs and looks at me confidently in the eye.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

...the crowd gets silent...

"YESYESYESYESYESYES OF COURSE, ACEY!!! OF COURSE I WILL!!!" I blast up in the air and jump on him. The crowd goes wild, possibly slowly making me deaf hehe. Tears well in our eyes as we happy cry. I'm no longer alone to suffer. I'm no longer alone to be sad.

We kiss in front of the people and the Hotshot Bullets and Gorillaz group hug us. We all laugh like 3 year olds playing together. Murdoc and Marina joins the hug and we all jump together. This is possibly the best time of my life.

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