The Phone Call

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Haha Ace is now ice creammmmm.

Your POV

Well everything in the collab is going smoothly. We already wrote down some lyrics and the two drummers know the beat they want to make. Next, Ace and I need to make up a bass line.

There, my phone sits on the dining table as I eat f/f. One side of me wants to pick up the phone and call Ace; one side of me doesn't want to and take a break from all the work.

But the calling side took advantage of all of me.

Instantaneously, I pick up my phone and rapidly dial Ace's phone. The screen turns grey and ringing echoes in the speakers.


"Y/n?" Ace answers in a perplexed manner.

"ACE! YA WANNA COME OVER TO MY HOUSE AND PLAY OUR BASS GUITARS TOGETHER?!" I jump up from my chair and let go of my spoon/fork/f|f. Ace gasps in surprise and slams his hand on a surface.

"YESYESYESYES!!!" He practically jumps up and down, according to the banging noises coming from the speakers. We both laugh and hang up.

That phone call is something I could be pretty proud of.

So anyways, I run around the house and set everything up. Organization is alway first when it comes to cleaning in my house.

Once I finish setting things up, I grab my bass and set it up too.


Ding dong!

"ACE!!!" I shoot up from my couch like a rocket ship and stumble to the door. Once I open it, the tall man is there standing on my porch just like a couple days ago. He smiles and looks down at my small figure and takes off his glasses.

Wow. I thought. Red eyes.

"Hello?" he waves at my face, breaking me free from my thoughts. I realize how long I was staring at him and let him inside without making things awkward.

Ace takes off his black fedora and hangs it on the rack. The bass guitar on his back is gigantic compared to mine.

"Would you like any food?" I offer him as he takes his bass out. Ace responses with a slow shake of his head as he plugs his bass to the amplifier.

It's pretty sad that this isn't the reason why I want him here. And I lied to him.

"Russel and Jeff already figured a out a beat to the song and we still haven't thought of a bass line!" I throw my hand in front of myself. Ace rubs a finger on his chin and looks at the sky.

"Eureka!" He exclaims and snaps his fingers. "It should go like this!" He takes out a recording of the drum beat and plays random notes on his bass with a big and prideful smile. I watch him bob his head up and down and pluck his fingers on the different sized strings. Soon I join in with the head bobbing and tap my toes.

But this isn't the type of head bobbing I was doing with the band in the car. It's the smooth and slow bobbing like I'm listening to jazz music. Slow and steady.

Once Ace finishes his part, I think about some corrections for the part.

"I think it should go like this," I say and play my bass. It's a little more fast-paced than Aces idea but I still play. But Ace stops me by putting his hand over my strumming hand.

"That's too fast," he chuckles. "I know you're used to playing rock music with the Hotshot Bullets but we decided that this song will be different."

Huh. I forgot about that.

"Different. Just like you hehe," Ace strokes my hair and I snap my head to his direction.

"W-What?!" I stutter. "Is that a good thing?"

Ace chuckles and pulls me closer to his body. The tension between us is sensible and let me be honest, I kinda like it.

"Well of course it is! Y/n will always be y/n," he sighs and looks at his bass. "Now let me show you how it's done." He straitens his bass and slowly plays it like it's a baby bass guitar.

"Peaceful..." I sigh and let my legs glide back and forth over the glossy floor. Ace takes a short glimpse at me and a small tint of rose pink scatters across his green cheeks.

We spend the rest of the afternoon playing and planning things out.

The Collab (Ace Copular x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now