A Ride to Kong Studios

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"Ngggghhh..." I groan as I rub my head. Nothing is audible due to the throbbing in my head. As I open my eyes, the room isn't bright and everything is silent; even the TV. I don't think I got enough sleep.

Not minding Ace at the bottom of my legs, I shuffle off the sofa and start my morning routine. Another moan like mine is heard in the living room and the soft sound of legs moving lingers into my ears.

"M-morning, toots," Ace walks into the kitchen. His raven black hair is all over his face and some strands stuck to his cheeks. Realizing that his shades are still on the couch, I stare at his eyes. His real eyes.

"Why do you always call me that?" I look up from my cereal. Ace shrugs.

"It's a habit of mine, I guess," he pours milk into a glass cup. "Why?"

"Oh. Nothing hehe," I try everything to not make things awkward but fail. Ace walks over carefully, trying not to spill his milk and sits on the chair next to me. "What time is it?"

"7:40 am," he looks at his gold watch. "It's not that sunny today, eh?"

"Yup. It's probably because of the rain last night," I say and rest my head on my hand. Yeah, yeah, I know that it's a bad habit to put your elbow on the table. But this is my house and these are my rules. "I wonder why it was raining."

"I wonder too," Ace sighs. Before I knew it, my bowl was empty and my stomach blocked my esophagus, preventing me from eating more. Guess I'm stuffed.

"You might wanna hurry, Ace. I'm taking us back to Kong," I walk into the bathroom.

"Ha! You're taking me back to the Studios? You don't even have a car!" Ace cackles from the kitchen.

"Fine. We're using your motorcycle," I tease him. Even though I can't see it, Ace looks at the bathroom door with a glare.

"Ya got me there."


My eyes trail across the road as my arms wrap around Ace's hip tightly. The sun is now peaking over the hills and the crimson red rays reflect on my h/c hair.

"When is the next meeting?" Ace suddenly breaks the not-really-silent silence.

"Today," I say by memory. My eyes now trail up to Ace's head, which is facing the road. His raven black hair flies like the wind and I rub my cheek against his smooth poofy jacket.

"The meeting's today? No wonder why you came with me," he exclaims. "Also I can feel what you're doing back there."

"So? Is that bad?" I jump slightly and look back up at him. This time his face is now visible.

"No. I kinda like it," he chuckles and takes a turn. We park in front of Kong along the sidewalk and get off. The same doors and the same everything stands in front of me, memories washing in. I mean, it was only yesterday when I went here so...

"ACE WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU YESTERDAY?!" The door slams open which shows Russel's big and tough figure. Ace and I jump at his sudden action and I hide behind the green man.

"W-What do you mean?!" He holds his hands up in surrender and backs up.

"Don't play dumb with me. Where were you?!"


"Y/n? What did he do?" Russel furiously looks back at me, expecting to hear the truth. I look at Ace then Russel. Sweat oozes out of my pores as the 4 eyes stay on me.

"Ace... um..." I cover my face and push my way inside. The two boys follow me to the living room, where the Hotshot Bullets sit. "Russel can we just talk about this privately after we talk about the collab?"

"Ok, baby girl," he sighs and sits next to Jeff. Jeff gave me a 'what happened there' smirk.

How do I let Russel know I shoplifted and slept with Ace without getting him mad???

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