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Yeah I know the picture is cursed but who cares?


As Ace waves goodbye to his fellow friend and her band, a strange feeling punched his gut. Somehow he misses y/n more than anything. He closes the door and walks to his room, which used to be in Murdoc's ownership.

"God, y/n is so beautiful," he sighs and lies down on his bed. He really means what he said; lucky y/n. "I just want you in my arms already."

He stays there for a long time like a bump on a log.

"Oi, Ace!" 2D interrupts Aces thoughts. The man quickly jumps up and looks at the blue haired boy with wide eyes. "You doin' okay there?"

"Y-yeah. Yes I am," Ace fake smiles and exits his room without a word.

His bass guitar lies on the sofa with the cord still plugged into the amp. In a lazy manner, he picks it up and plays soft notes on it. I should practice the thingy that y/n taught me.

"Ace-San do you want to come with Toochi and me to Costco?" Noodle asks as she puts her shoes on. Ace wanted to do nothing but practice.

"Nah, I'm fine," Ace doesn't look anywhere but his bass. Noodle accepts his answer and leaves the studio without saying a word.

"Oh please, Ace. She played the bass since she was 6 years old. You started like... not that long ago," the phrase that came out of Russel's mouth repeats in his head. His grip on the finger bar gets tighter and tighter until he could practically crack it into halves.

"I can do it," Ace huffs. "It just takes some more practice." He pulls his phone out and goes to the FaceTime app. Without hesitating, he jams his finger on y/n's contact and sets his phone in front of him. The phone is a bit crooked but he adjusts it so the girl of his dreams can see him and his b a s s.

"Hello?" Ace's screen goes small and all the space is taken by y/n's face. She has a subway sandwich in her hand and her mouth is puffed up with bread inside.

"Oh hi, y/n! U-um. Am I disturbing you?" Ace asks cautiously. Y/n shakes her head and laughs.

"Nononono. I just got home from lunch with the band," she reassured him. "So is there anything you need?"

Ace hesitates on asking y/n to see how he plays but at the same time he wants to do it.

"Yes. Can you tell me if I'm playing this correctly?" Ace eagerly adjusts his bass guitar in his arms and stands up. He starts to play the same thing y/n taught him yesterday. But because it was only yesterday that he learned, every note he plays is sloppy.

"Ehhhh..." y/n wrinkles her nose and takes a bite out of her sandwich. "You may need a little more practice. No offense though!"

"Yeah, I know. But I'm taking one step at a time," Ace grins crookedly and sits down. Y/n nods proudly after hearing what Ace knows what to do to get better.

"Well that's good for a beginner!" She adjusts her phone a bit. "Say, what if everyday we have a FaceTime call after we meet? We work on the collab together and this in the afternoon, eh?"

"That sounds brilliant!" Ace exclaims and hugs his bass guitar. "Thank you, y/n!"

"No problem! I have to go now. Bye!" Y/n waves and leaves without letting Ace say goodbye.

"Goodbye," he says silently to himself and puts his bass away.

The Collab (Ace Copular x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now