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It was my first day at Hogwarts. I say my first because for everyone else it was third year. Of course i was joining late. My parents never told me, before they left that i was a witch. So up to this point i had been going to a muggle school.

I never really understood why my parents never told me, considering i'm a pure blood, but they never really cared for me. That's why they walked out on me a couple years ago.

I entered the station. It was incredible. I was still so shocked at what magic could do. The huge red train was magnificent. My luggage was taken and i climbed onto the train and sat in an empty compartment.

I'd heard all about the houses at Hogwarts. Personally, i really wanted to be in Gryffindor.
I opened one of my books. I'd been trying to do some work before Hogwarts so that i had some idea of what i would be doing. I sat and read through some pages of my potions book, when the compartment door opened.
"Um excuse me, do you mind if we sit with you?" A boy said.
"Not at all" I smiled.
The boy sat opposite me and behind him followed a ginger boy, and a girl.
"My names Harry Potter, i don't think i've seen you around before?" He said.
"Y/N Y/L/N and that's because i'm joining late" I sighed.
"What house do you want to be in ?" The girl spoke, "Sorry i forgot, my names Hermione Granger"
"I would like to be in Gryffindor" I replied.
"My names Ron Weasley and that's the house we are in"
"Oh you're so lucky" I smiled.
"Well hopefully you'll be in there too" Hermione said.

We sat and spoke for the rest of the train journey. It was nice to know some people before i got there.

We finally arrived and i followed them towards Hogwarts.
"You'll have to be sorted with the first years so we'll see you in there" Harry said.
"Okay, see you later" I smiled.
I went and stood with, who i gathered were the first years. The professor at the front got me to stand at the front so that i could get it over and done with.

We walked into the great hall, and it was astonishing. I couldn't take my eyes of the ceiling, well i wasn't sure if it was a ceiling to be honest. We got to the front and i sat in the chair and the hat was placed on my head.
"Hmmm, cunning, loyal and a real thirst to prove yourself but where to put you ? I'll go with....SLYTHERIN"

What ? How could this be ? I didn't want to be in slytherin. I slowly got of the chair and walked over to the slytherin table. Harry, Hermione and Ron looked shocked, and so was I.

"And you are ?" A platinum blond boy asked, shaking me out of thought.
"Y/N Y/L/N" I simply replied.
"Malfoy. Draco Malfoy. You must be a pure blood ?"
"Yes i am" I said.
"Good, couldn't have a filthy mudblood in this house. I'm sure we'll have lots of fun" Malfoy smirked.
I could tell already that this boy was an arrogant piece of work.


A new girl entered. Clearly a third year. She looked familiar to me, but i wasn't quite sure where from, not that i really cared either. Although she was rather pretty i'd give her that. She was sorted into Slytherin, luckily for me, so obviously i had to introduce myself. Turns out she was a pure blood. Even better.

When the feast was over everyone got up to leave for the common rooms. Y/L/N followed behind. I told Crabbe and Goyle to go on.
"So Y/L/N happy to be a Slytherin?" I smirked.
"It's alright i guess" She said.
"Where did you want to be put ? With the Gryfindorks ?" I Said disgusted.
"That exactly" She replied.
"Trust me you don't want to be stuck with those awful mudbloods and traitors." I said.
"What's a mudblood ?" She asked.
"God have you been living under a bloody rock ?" I questioned.
"Actually my parents abandoned me and i only just found out i belong here" She mumbled.
"Close enough" I smirked.
"Uh wow" She said and walked off, which i found awfully rude. It was clear i had someone new to tease.

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