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Lotus and I just got off this boat ride with quite a few of us from different groups that were about a few days to sail but we're now at what I now see is an island.

Once the boat stopped we slowly made our way down onto the island where we met up with everyone and get assigned things to build.

Lotus and I couldn't believe that the day was here that we would have survived and been living in the safe haven, and now we get to live the rest of ours lives here and be safe and not have to worry about W.C.K.D or the flare.

I mean sure it would take some getting useful having to build everything from scratch and start a new life but it's nothing we haven't done before!

Lotus and I decided that we would be roommates and start on our hut, we started my chopping down some wood for the walls and then collected some big leaves and bark.

We then grabbed some vines to hopefully keep everything together, it took a few tries but we finally built a decent home for the both of us.

After a few days, it was kinda just the same stuff, building, gardening, hunting, mining etc.

We each eventually would have our job that we would have to work on but they haven't decided anything big for Lotus or me.

The head men are handling the big jobs for now like hunting and mining and some of the big building until we get fully trained, so we're really on gardening and some of the building duty for now.

Tonight though there was a lot of gossip going around about the people from group A, and how two of the heads, Vince and Jorge took big birtha to go save them from W.C.K.D in the last city standing.

*a few days later*
Last night I got woken up by the sound of a soaring ship which I thought sounded a lot like big birtha so I quietly got up and walked out of the hut.

I watched as it landed and they pulled someone out with both of his arms rapped around another two man's shoulders, but I couldn't figure out who was who.

They brought him into one of the empty shacks and didn't come out after that, so I decided to go back in and get some sleep.

In the morning Lotus and I wake up around the same time and we got dressed.

Since we don't have the best of clothes I just throw on some blue jeans, a black T-shirt, boots and just leave my hair down.

Lotus puts on her black jeans, white t-shirt with boots and her hair up in a ponytail.

Then we both head out the door.

We walk out and make our way to the place where we all eat, Lotus and I have some fruits for breakfast since we haven't had anything big yet to grow.

Though looking around I turn my attention to the hut from last night where I see a figure walk out of, a few people gather up and I notice that there the ones from group A, they must have come last night in the ship, I thought to myself.

I also now realize that the figure that walked out of the hut was Thomas.

They all hugged each other and then they went to sit by the fire and talk.

Another day went by and Lotus and I got to work with Sonya and Harriet.

Afterwards, we all gathered up for the big bonfire that was happening tonight, I sat beside Lotus with Sonya beside me and Harriet.

Vince gives a big speech about a big rock that would be for everyone who couldn't make it today, so everyone got their chance to make their peace for someone who couldn't make it.

Lotus, Sonya, Harriet and I carved all the names of the girls that didn't make it through the maze with us as our peace when I notice the familiar name Newt signed on there as well.

Then it all clicked.

I remember he was a friend from group A and how big he was when we helped them fight W.C.K.D when they attacked our right arm.

After we partied and all had a good time, letting all our cares and worries slip away because for what we knew, there wasn't any anymore, we made it, we finished the trials.

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