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Minho, Thomas, Aris, Mercedes, Lotus and I make our way over to this wooden table where we see food layed out for all of us.

We all sit down at a spot.

I end up sitting beside Lotus with Minho beside her, with Thomas on my other side with Aris beside Thomas.

We then all dig in and start to eat since we were starving.

Eventually I see someone come in the distance.

Once they get closer I realize it's the prince from earlier.

Great, just great.

He then sits besides me and attempts to talk to me and ask questions.

I chose to ignore him and not answer any of his questions.

Everyone attention turns to us as he starts getting mad, then he starts being flirty.

Eventually I see in the corner of my eye him lifting up his hand going for my hair, but I quickly grip onto his hand before he can.

"Would you stop?!" I ask, finally deciding to turn and face him.

"What do you even want from me!?" I ask as a smile starts to form on his face which starts to freak me out.

"I want you...princess" he says in reply.

"Well to bad! Cause it's not gonna happen!" I announce as I get up.

"Playing hard to get, eh?" He asks as I walk away into the distance.

Why me? Why out of all the girls on this island does this prince have to fall for me?

I then hear my named being called by the rest as they make their way over to me.

"Man that prince dude is a perve! He's totally obsessed with you!" Minho says.

"Yeah, tell me about it..." I say looking at Minho and then at Thomas as he quickly looks away, as I can tell he's annoyed. 

I start to make my way over to Thomas but that gets interrupted by Mercedes that comes to call us over for the big bonfire party.

We make our way over to find girls with things that look like hula skirts on dancing with everyone watching.

There's people that look like there playing traditional music, and then there's the prince, sitting on a throne type thing.

"Drinks are over there if you want some, but have fun!" She says.

It's awkward at first until minho starts dancing, so we join him.

After a bit of dancing, everything comes to a stop and the prince starts to speak.

"I have an announcement to make!" He shouts, everyone's attention turning to him.

"I would like for you all to meet my new princess!" He declares turning his head to me and then everyone else's.

I stand there for a minute starting to panic on the inside.

I turn my head to look at Minho and Lotus who are looking at me with shocked faces when I turn to Thomas to see him walking away from the crowd and into the distance.

Oh no.

I quickly push my way out of the crowd and chase after him calling his name, but he doesn't stop.

"Thomas, please..." I say as he finally stops and turns around.

"Did you not hear what he just said!?" He says in an angry tone.

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