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Summer and I wake up and we head out to breakfast, Vince tells us to settle down because he has news for us.

We all sit down on the bleachers eating our fruit.

"We are giving you jobs. I'll call out your name with the category. Ok, first the hunters, Minho, Thomas, Gally, Summer and Lotus. First, you will go through a bit of training just to refresh your memory."

The three boys turn to us.

Gally looks unimpressed because we're girls, Minho looks surprised, and Thomas walks over shakes our hands. "Welcome to the team."

We then head out to go start training.

Summer and I are already holding our bow and arrows while the boys are fooling around, almost like they are waiting to see what we can do.

"Come on grab a weapon," I say but the boys are still fooling around.

"Did I stutter?!" I question.

They all grab a weapon right away, I notice Thomas look at Minho and playfully punch him in the arm.

Before I start to blush I turn around so I'm not facing them.

We're all getting reacquainted with using weapons when all I hear is the swift movement of an arrow hit the target dead centre.

All three of the boys look at Summer in surprise.

I'm used to it because that was her weapon of choice back in the glade.

Thomas looks impressed, Summer is lucky.

After they snap out of it Minho then practices throwing the spear into the tree, he's retrieving it out of the tree and pulls his arm far back in a special way that I'm guessing he learned in group A.

The tip almost touches Gally.

"Hey! Watch it! I almost died last time you tried that on me!" Gallt warns.

Minho laughs.

"Maybe get out of the way next time" I mumble but Gally still hears because he grabs Minho and pushes him up against the tree.

That's when Thomas breaks it up.

"I figured since Newt died we would need a new mom, but I never guessed it to be you," Gally says.

"Hey! don't talk about Newt like that."

Thomas now pushed gally up against the tree.

But Gally just pushes him off.

I'm surprised that Gally was the one that got the knife.

But he picked last and got the worst one, which sucks for him.

Vince walked by to check on us "you guys ready?" He asks.

"Shuck yeah!" We shout.

"Good, you guys will be hunting our dinner." He informs.

We all then start to head out to the forest in our new hunting gear.

It reminds me of what we used to wear as runners in the glade.

Except for the new strap around my leg to hold some extra knives, and a long skinny tube on my back to hold arrows.

As we walk behind the boys, we see Gally trip on a tree root.

Summer and I are giggling trying to hold it in but Gally's head turns around and we see his eyebrows on fleek pointed down.

His face only makes us laugh harder instead of scaring us.

We stop when we hear sudden ruffles in the trees, we all stand guard ready for something to attack.

Summer and I take out an arrow from our backs and get ready to fight with whatever comes next.

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