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We all slowly make our way out of the village as we come to a stop after Mercedes who was leading the way putts a hand behind us.

Then afterwards turns into her pointer finger giving the signal to also be quiet.

We all stand behind her quietly as we all press our backs against the tent that we were hiding behind. as we see the prince and his guards walk right past us. "Find my princess!" The prince says as I roll my eyes as everyone looks at me and then back to Mercedes to lead the way. We finally make our way out of the village and back into the jungle. We then afterwards make our way further in the jungle and I decide to go up to Thomas. "Hey Thomas" I say as he looks at me and then turn his attention back in front of him. "Have you forgiven me yet?..." I say still looking at him. "You had me worried there for a second. But yeah I've forgiven you, as long as you stay with me." He says in reply with a smirk on his face. "Why wouldn't I?" I say as he suddenly stops walking a kisses me. I separate in shock but quickly change to a smile as I was just happy I had him back, we continue walking through the jungle still not knowing where to go. *later that day* The sun starts to set and there still no sign of anything, so Mercedes suggests we stop and take a rest for the night, since she says it's not good for us to travel these jungles during the night. We set our stuff down and just kinda rest for a few. "What's now?" Minho asks. "Well since you guys don't have a clue on what to do during a night in the jungle, and unless you guys decide on using each others body heat to keep warm, I suggest you get off your butts and start collecting supplies for a fire!" Mercedes says in reply. So we do, we collect all the supplies, The boys know how to make a fire so they take their turns in making it. We all sit around the fire while it starts to get dark, Lotus is the first one to leave as she goes and rests against the bottom of a tree and falls asleep, Minho a bit after, but instead he slept at the bottom of a different tree, surprisingly... Then there was just the four of us, Thomas, Aris, Mercedes and I. I look up at Thomas and smile as we look each other in the eyes before I rest my head on his shoulder with both our back pressed against the log that we were sitting on as I look at the fire with the warmth of both it and Thomas. Before I know it my eyes start to close and everything turns into pitch black darkness.

I can't stand looking at Thomas and Summer practically cuddling, and before I realize I notice that Mercedes can see it too. "What's wrong?" She says looking at me. "Nothing" I say in reply and I could tell that didn't satisfy her. "You like Summer don't you?" She says as I look at the ground and I feel my cheeks start to burn up. Before I realize it she's none stop teasing me about it, and I'll I could hope was that Thomas and Summer couldn't hear. I finally got fed up and decided to do something about it. "Would you just shut up!" I say in a mad but still whisper voice, as she looks at me with a raised eyebrow. "Make me..." she says as she doesn't keep her eyes off mine, so I didn't think and did the only thing that I thought would stop her, and I leaned in and kissed her, but surprisingly she didn't stop it. We both separate and I look at her face in shock. "Will that stop you?" I say with a smirk on my face. "Maybe..." she says while looking at me again and then getting back up. "I'm gone go to bed now..." she says and she gets up and goes to lay dow against a tree. I look back at Thomas and Summer once last time and I rest my head down on the log and fall asleep.

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