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We each pull out our weapons to get ready to attack when I hear Lotus squeal.

I look down at Lotus being bit by a poisonous snake, I remember Vince talking about this snake but I didn't think we would have to run into one!

I look at everyone else to see if they're ok when I suddenly see Summer pull out her bow and arrow, I take a look back down at the snake and see it making its way towards Summer.

"SUMMER! Look out!" I call out while pushing her out of the way from the snake to the ground.

She quickly moves out of my grip as she turns and quickly shoots her arrow right in the snake's head.

"Woah! Nice headshot" I say while getting up.

"Thanks, and thanks for the dodge!" She says in reply.

"Hey, guys! A little help here?" I hear Minho say while bending down beside Lotus.

Summer and I quickly run over.

I look at Lotus's face in terror and pain, I hope this thing can't kill her.

"Lotus, you're going to get through this. It's nothing that we haven't done before" Summer says while pulling her up and throwing one of Lotus's arms over her shoulder.

"I'll carry her, I don't trust any of you shuck-faces,"
Summers says as we all start to head back.

After a bit of walking, I look back to check on Summer and Lotus when I see Summer's eyes start to flutter open and close.

Before I could ask if she needed help, she falls to the floor and hits her head.

"Summer!" I shout as I quickly run-up to her while Minho and Gally go up to Lotus.

I try shaking Summer over and over but she doesn't wake up, I call her name over and over till she finally wakes up.

"What happened?..." she asks while sitting up.

"You fainted after carrying Lotus for a while, I think your getting dehydrated, we need to get you some water before you pass out again," I say in reply while pulling her up.

"You don't need to worry that much about me, I'll be fine" She says with a smirk on her face.

I roll my eyes and smile as we make our way over to Minho and Gally where we hear them arguing about who's going to carry Lotus.

"No, you carry her!" "No! I'm not carrying her!" I hear over and over again until Lotus finally gets fed up.

"Would one of you shuck faces just carry me already!!"She says silencing them.

Gally quickly gets up and starts running away like a child.

Minho rolls his eyes as he picks Lotus up, surprisingly, bridal style.

"We do NOT speak of this!" Lotus says out loud to all of us as Summer and I turn each other's heads and giggle silently.

"Shuck it shanks! We can hear you!" Minho calls out.

"Why should we? You know you love it!" I hear Summer call out after.

I can't help but laugh as I see Lotus give Summer the death stare and Minho blush.

"So you're pretty close to Lotus huh?" I ask turning my attention to Summer.

"Yeah, known her my whole life, at least what I can remember of it." She says in reply.

Once we finally make it make back and we bring Lotus to the med hut where Summer and Sonya bring her into one of the rooms.

Before Minho and I could enter through Sonya slams the door in our faces.

"Shuck! That hurt!" Minho says backing away from the door and whipping the blood from his nose.

"I need a med-jack now, thanks to you!" He shouts afterwards, Summer then opens the door.

"Fine come in."

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