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We finally made it back to the Safe heaven as all our close friends come and give us hugs, I get hugged by Harriet, Fry, Brenda, Jorge and Vince, I notice shortly afterward Sonya making her way over in my direction, which led me thinking... 'Was she actually going to hug me?' She made her way closer and closer as she reaches me and then dodges me and shoves me with her shoulder passing by to give the rest a hug, I look at the floor embarrassed that I would actually think that she had forgiven me. I then though, feel a sudden squeeze at my hand as I look to the side to see Thomas' hand grip onto mine and give it a tight squeeze, I look up at him as he has a sad look on his face as he can tell that I'm hurt, I then feel another tight squeeze that at this made me smile, I look back at him with the smile still on my face as I see his face now light up as he can see that Im smiling. "Welcome back hunters!" Jorge says while looking between all of us. "Now... we got some food for you guys, as we figure you would be somewhat hungry after being stuck in the jungle for three and a half days!" He says while leading us over to the open lunch room. We sit down and eat telling the others what happened when we were gone, and they were all shocked. "And who's this new one?" Harriet asks. "Mercedes, her name is Mercedes..." Aris says while Mercedes and him making contact before looking back at Harriet, she gives them a smirk before turning back to the rest of us. I look over at Sonya as she rolls her eyes, I knew she liked Aris, and I honestly felt bad for her, but I was happy for Aris and whatever made him happy made me happy too, and I knew Mercedes was that. After lunch we each take our separate ways changing into new clothes, and just helping out where we can, after working with Lotus in the gardens for a bit I notice she's sweating and looks a little pale. "You should take a break" I say patting her on the shoulder. "You look a little rough" she nods and plants her shovel down and makes her way over to the beach.

Im currently helping the guys on building duty as I notice Lotus walking over to the beach. "Hey guys I'll be right back!" I say as they all turn and nod before going back to what they were doing. I jog my over to the beach to where Lotus is sitting. "Hey there Shank" I say while sitting down beside her. She rolls her eyes and gets up. "Wait!" I say as she keeps walking. I have no other choice and I grip onto her wrist and spin her around a plant a kiss on her lips, it takes her a second before she starts to kiss back. "Do you forgive me yet?" I say while looking at her. "Fine, but only if you promise not to do that wicked of a thing again!" She says while crossing her arms and raising her eyebrow waiting for me to respond. "I promise" I say before kissing one last time before we each make our way back to each others jobs. After work we all eat dinner before we all settle down around the big bonfire, and enjoy finally being back home.

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