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I walk in with Harriet and Sonya.

Harriet makes eye contact with Frypan and goes over to him.

Sonya just makes her way over to the food and snack bar.

I look around to find anyone else I know when I see Lotus and Summer walk in.

They both kinda stand there for a few moments when I see Lotus's attention turn over to the doors where I see Minho, Thomas and Gally walk in.

Gally and Brenda go to the dance floor and start dancing while Minho and Lotus follow.

Thomas and Summer make eye contact but then Thomas quickly turns his eyes away and heads in the other direction.

He almost looked mad at her but I didn't really care.

Then I make my way up to Summer, I see her standing there with her dark blue dress.

It's the perfect cut on her, long in the back short in the front with the blue and white flower crown that just adds the perfect touch to her.

Her naturally wavy dirty blonde hair falls perfectly in her face, the dress colour makes her eye colour pop. She looks so beautiful, like always.

I sit here, on a bench, by myself, during the only prom that I'll ever have in my life, while watching Aris and Summer dancing.

The song finally end and I see them both head their separate ways.

I look at Summer while she just stands there for a moment looking around when she locks her eyes with mine.

I ack like I wasn't just looking at her, cause I shouldn't, because I'm supposed to be mad at her.

She then makes her way over and I focus my attention back on her as she sits down beside me.



"Look, I'm really sorry about whatever I did earlier" She apologizes while looking at her hands.

I thought for a moment, she really didn't do anything wrong.

I turn my head and finally decide to look at her, I look deep into her blue and green eyes which made me once again speechless.

After a bit of struggling, I finally manage to say something.

"Its ok, you didn't know"

Her face suddenly lit up after I said that.

I felt at ease knowing that I wasn't mad at her anymore.

"Well... I'm going to go grab something to drink, you want some?" She says while getting up, but I kinda wished she wouldn't.

"No I'm ok, but thanks though" I say in reply.

She nods and then walks over to the counter to get her drink.

As I walk through the doors with the boys my eyes immediately hit Lotus.

I look her up and down, from her flower crown, to her heels.

She has a white and green flower crown, the same one she was wearing earlier on top of her head.

Her hair was down and straight like it usually was, but for some reason it looked better tonight then it has in the past.

She had a low cut emerald green dress, that was long with one single cut to show of her leg a little.

It fit her body perfectly showing all of her curves and long legs, perfect for running 😏.

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