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As were all sitting around the fire, talking, and laying games. I notice that Brenda has a bit of a bump on her stomach. I figured it's just belly fat but then again it doesn't look like that kind of bump. I walk over to her and sit down next to herald whisper into her ear "so are you preggo?" Then she just stairs at me then sighs like she had given up. "Yes I'm pregnant." "Wait what! Your pregnant!" I say basically shouting and the hole safe haven hears. Then Summer jumps up " YOUR PREGNANT!?!" Then Brenda says "say it any louder! I bet the native people you stayed with herd it!" Then we both say sorry while were laughing and concerned. "Why are you pregnant? Who are you pregnant with? When and where did you get pregnant? And why didn't you tell us sooner?!" Me and Summer both say  while the boys overhear and walk over more confused than us. Then Brenda answers " I'm pregnant because of Gally. And with Gally. During prom in the jungle. And I didn't tell you sooner because I wanted to see how far you got until noticing." Then we all are bursting out millions of questions at a time. Then all of a sudden Gally yells " enough! Your over loading Brenda and me! Yes she's pregnant yes we're excited! Now please chill!" We all back up talking amongst ourselves now. But then Thomas and Minho walk over to the lovely couple, and we hear them say "what the heck man!" And have there bro talk about whatever they talk about. At that point I stoped listening. Then Jorge walked past and must have over here what they were talking about because then he said loudly
"Brenda, Gally in my hut now!" And they both looked scared holding hands walking over to jorges hut.

We are both standing there nervous holding hands. Jorge is pacing back and forty in the hut think of what to say. The he says "what the hell were you thinking!" He says walking over in front of me. Then all of a sudden he punches me square in the face. I fall to the ground and Brenda yells "what the hell Jorge!" Then I look up and touch my lip because it's bleeding. Then I stand up standing my ground. " touch my Brenda again, I'll have to kill you next time. And I hope your getting married now that you've knocked her up!" "We haven't decided yet." " well now your gonna!" And we shoved me out of the tent and leaves Brenda inside. As I walk out I see all my friends standing outside of the tent looking worried.

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