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We're all standing in a circle back to back when some of these tribe-looking people come and snatch us inserting our hands behind our backs.

They push us to the ground when I decided to try and get out of this shuck we got ourselves into.

I swiftly turn around and I use my leg and kick the guy in the back of his legs making him fall to the ground.

"Hey!" I hear a feminine voice yell behind me when I get a kick in the face.

When I try to get back up the girl sits on my back while pointing an arrow to my head.

"Stay down!" She shouts still pointing a arrow to my head.

"What the hell!" I tell.

I'm not going to just give up.

I push her off my back and onto the ground.

I go to punch her when I hear Thomas yell.

"Summer stop!" I look at him in shock when I see him look up and behind me.

As I look around I notice and completely forget we're surrounded by people with arrows pointing at us.

I look at Summer who is sitting on top of this random tribe looking girl with her hands now up in the air as people with arrows pointing them at us.

"Get off of her unless you want to die,"

Some guy says as he walks up to Summer and points the arrow to her head.

"Your coming with us," he declares as we get pushed to stand up and and start to walk.

It's my first day as a hunter and I've already being kidnapped, just great.

After an hour of walking we see these whole bunch of vines with two more of these tribe people start to pull apart making an opening when we see this place that looks like a paradise.

There's a waterfall with houses in the trees, as well as people who are walking around.

babies, kids, teenagers and adults.

We see the girl that Summer fought with go up a tree and to an adult man, says something in a weird language and hugs him.

The man walks more closer to a railing and says something in the same language that the girl just spoke in.

"Papa" we hear her say as she starts to talk to him.

"They only speak English," she says while holding on to his arm.

I look up at her.

These people may be holding us hostage but damn is this girl cute.

But no, gottabstay focused.

"Oh, who are you?!" The man asks as he looks down at us once more.


Minho, Lotus, Aris and I are gripped by men with Summer a bit further away is gripped onto by two guards since she tried too escape earlier.

It was a good one but we were to outnumbered.

The chief kinda king of this tribe then starts explaining what each of us will be doing for us trespassing.

Then the guards all turn their attention to the doors, I turn to see another man, but not guard looking.

"Hello, prince Ronan," The head man says as the so called prince walks by each of us staring us down as the chief explains what had all happened.

Ronan then makes his way over to Summer where I watch his every move.

He looks her up and down.

"And who's this pretty one?" He asks.

"She's with us, and don't touch her" I warn.

He then slowly turns in my direction and walks over to me.

"What did you just say?" He asks looking me dead in the eyes.

"I said don't touch her" I repeat.

"I shall do whatever I want, and there's no way your stoping me" He explains as he then proceeds to turn in the direction of the chief.

"Make sure to give this one extra" He requests while giving me and evil smile and heading back to Summer.

"I'll see you later" He says flirtatiously while Summer gives him a scowl.

He then after leaving the room.

Summer makes eye contact with me before looking back at the chief.

"Guards, bring these trespassers to their jobs!" He declares before they all pull us harshly out of the room.

They bring us back into the jungle where they tell us what we're supposed to do.

Summer and Lotus start by chopping down the trees while us boys wait and just stare at them, waiting for when we have to bring it back.

Summer catches my eye but I quickly look away even though I know she saw, same thing with Lotus and Minho.

We wait there for a few more minutes as they finally finish cutting down the first tree.

We carry it back to the village and then repeat the same thing until it turned to sun set when guards show up and grip onto all of us roughly like before.

They bring us into this room where there's the girl from earlier.

"Let's go get you guys freshened up!" She says while heading towards the door, us following.

She then comes to a stop.

"By the way, I'm Mercedes," She informs before leading the way again to where we see is a water fall.

She then tosses us each things that look like bathing suits and we all just kinda stand there.

"What are you guys waiting for? Go clean yourselves!" She says.

We all look at each other and then find somewhere private to change.

I make my way behind a huddle of trees and start to undress and then slip on the really uncomfortable bathing suit that I was given.

Afterwards, I make my way out from where I was changing over to the water fall and just wait there until I see Minho come over slightly after.

We then wait for the girls.

After a few more minutes I see Summer come out from behind some trees in the distance.

Minho then proceeds to elbow me as she gets closer.

I elbow him back giving him a signal to stop.

I look as she's trying to hide her body because I could tell that she wasn't really comfortable being the only girl starred down by two guys in a bathing suit.

But I don't really know why she was covering, cause I thought her body looked perfect.

We then see Lotus and Aris come out in the distance and make there way towards us, Lotus then looks Summer up and down and smiles.

"Summer, you look nice" she says sending a wink and a smirk my way.

Please no, please no.

"Wouldn't you agree Thomas?" Shes asks as the rest look at me but Summer avoids eye contact.

"Um, yeah" I say in reply but quickly change the topic so that everyone's not looking at Summer and I.

"So Minho... what do think of Lotus in her bathing suit?" I ask.

He shoots me a look of complete annoyance but looks back at Lotus to give his response.

"Well, um, uh- h-hot?"

We all laugh at his stutter.

"So who's going first?" Summer asks.

"You guys can" I say in reply referring to Summer and Lotus.

So they do, they go in first.

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