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I rest in my tent for a about ten twenty minutes before I hear the music shut off and Summer and Mercedes make there way into the door of out tent. "Hey Lotus! Why'd you leave so soon, your not sleeping?" Summer asks while sitting down beside me. "It's just- wait, never mind..." I say in reply. "You know you can tell us right? Is it Minho?..." Summer says as I slightly nod. "Let's come up with something to get your mind off of things..." Mercedes says as we all try to come up with an idea. "Oh! I got one!" Mercedes says as she pulls both Summer and I by our arms out of the tent. "Where are you taking us?" Summer says as Mercedes pulls us deeper into the jungle. "It's a surprise!" She says in reply as she finally stops in front of a waterfall. "Come on guys!" She says as we each take of our clothes, left with our bath suits still. We then wait as Summer unties her bandage from around the bottom of her leg. Once she finishes each each slowly walk into the refreshing water. "I could get used to this!" I say as we all giggle. "Me too!" Summer says in reply. "I really hope the boys didn't hear us leave, or saw that the tent was empty..." Summer says as Mercedes and I agree. "How's your leg doing?" Mercedes asks as Summer reaches her arm down underneath the water to feel it. "Better, I think the water is doing a good job in cleaning it, but I don't think I should stay in the water too much longer" Summer says in reply. After a bit we each just talk as Mercedes tells stories about back at her village as Summer and I explain what happened throughout all the trails. "Wow, you guys went through a lot!" Mercedes says in a shocked face at our stories. "Yeah, tell me about it" I say in reply as we all giggle again. "Hey guys, I should probably get out now, but you guys can still stay a bit longer if you'd like" Summer says while looking at us as we nod before she makes her way out of the water, as Summer drys off and gets dresses Mercedes and I have a water fight splashing each other. Out of nowhere we hear Summer scream and we look over to see that she's not there, both Mercedes and I look at each other with shocked and nervous faces. "Summer?..." we each say making our way out of the water, looking around and no sight of Summer, we then putt on out clothes and make our way in the jungle to look for Summer I then suddenly look a sudden grasp at my shoulders. "Boo!" A familiar voice says as I jump and squeal in surprise as I turn around to see Minho behind me. "Few! You scared me... now, where's Summer?" I says looking at him as a smirk shows up on his face. "She's with Thomas" He says moving out of the way to reveal Thomas with Summer gripped tightly in his arms with his hand over her mouth, he then slightly after letting go. "You guys! I say looking between all of the boys surrounding us with smirks on there faces. "You girls are too easy to scare!" Gally says as the rest of the guys giggle. "Haha very funny... how'd you guys even find us anyways?" Summer says while crossing her arms and looking back and forth between all of them, with none of them saying anything in reply. "Fine you little noisy Parker's, don't tell us!" Summer says while rolling her eyes. "Let's just get back and get some sleep" Thomas says while heading back through the jungle with us following.

We each make finally make our way back to the tents from the water fall after playing our scary trick on the girls. All us boys head in our tents and zip it up as we all fall asleep in our own spot, each of the boys after a few minutes fall dead asleep snoring like giants! Which doesn't help the fact that I already can't fall asleep, so I decide to get out of the tent and sit by the still slightly alive fire, as I walk out I notice I'm not the only one who can't sleep and see Mercedes sitting by the fire, after I walk over and sit beside her. "Hey" we both say at the same time and giggle. "Can't sleep?" She asks as I shake my head. Before I know it she rest her head on my shoulder and stares at the fire, it surprised me at first but then it just feels normal. A few minutes later I look down to see she had fallen asleep, I lean down a plant a little kiss on her forehead before resting hey head on her hers while staring at the fire. I couldn't help but smile after thinking about how great my life was, and how it was only the start, before I knew my eyes started to flutter shut as I fade into the black darkness.

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