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We wake up, all us boys in one hut. I'm the first one to wake up then Gally after me. Minho was the last one to wake up with us already dressed. We all go to the fire with the girls to start packing up. Then we see Minho walk in looking sleepy, we all turn around and see Minho standing there yawning. But our eyes go strait to his hair that looked like a birds nest unlike how he usually has his awesome hair. I don't think he realizes because we were all trying not to laugh but he was like 'what? whats wrong?' Then we all burst out laughing. "Dude something shucked up your hair!" I said half laughing. Then he runs his hand through his hair and it gets stuck. "The the shuck?!" Then he goes to the river and gets some water to straighten it out and comes back looking good as usual. We're all packed up by the time he gets back, and I throw him his s backpack to keep on moving because we're trying to get home by tonight.
As we're all walking it's pretty much silent except for the odd 'watch out for that rock.' We're all walking in the jungle when Mercedes says "I'm getting kinda hungry. Wanna stop to make some lunch?" We all say sure and settle down to make a fire. "Hey Lotus and Minho do you guys wanna go get some berries or fish, just something to eat." "Fine." Lotus said a bit annoyed.

As we're walking into the forest side by side, with an awkward silence. Then he said "do you wanna get some fish while I get the berries?" "Sure." I go over to try to catch some finish but they keep sliding out of my hands. "Hey do you need some help?" I just look at him as he come down beside to and he helps me catch fish. Then once we catch some I go exploring around to find whatever we can to eat. Then out of the corner of my eye I catch Minho staring at he, I slowly stop what I'm doing and turn around and he quickly turns his head back. Then I walk over to him with a bunch of berries in my hand and he has a flower in his hand. Then he places the flower over my ear, but I just look at him with sadness and take the flower out from my ear and hold it in my hands still looking at him. Then before I get to emotional I walk away carrying the flower. I don't want him to see me cry like that. We get back to camp and I have already pushed away my tears. We all eat our food then head out again. Me and Summer were in the back talking quietly. "So what happen with you and Min?" Then I look at her in shock and say "nothing much, we got food and brought it back." "Oh come on something happened I can see it in your eyes!" "Nothing Summer!" I say a little too loudly and everyone turns around "keep walking!" I say pushing through the crowd to the front of the line. We keep on walking and we start to hear noises then we all start running because we know we're close. Then when we start to see the safe haven poking out of the trees, we run harder. Then I realize how fast in going, and I'm ahead of Minho, but him right behind me. Then once I break out of my trance and trip over a big rock, but I feel big soft hands catch me at my waist before I hit the ground. "Are you ok?" I see Minho behind be looking at me worriedly "yeah I'm fine." I say shrugging his arms off. Then we all make that final sprint to get home finally safe.

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