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Today we all get ready by putting on our hunting gear and getting ready to head out. After we each finish putting on our gear, we make our way into the jungle in a group. "We should each split up into groups, it'll cover the territory faster, and we might be able to find more food" Gally says. "Ok what will the groups be?" I ask while facing Gally. "Idk, boys and girls, keep it simple?" Gally replies as Lotus and I nod as Thomas and Minho have something else in mind. "Your seriously gonna let the girls be by themselves in the middle of the jungle?" Thomas says while putting his two arms in Lotus and I's direction while looking at Gally. "Well... Jorge and Vince made them hunters for a reason" Gally says. "Thomas we'll be fine..." I say gripping onto his hand and giving it a tight squeeze before letting go, Lotus giving Minho a quick kiss on the cheek. We all take our separate ways as Lotus and I jog our way through the jungle, no sign of anything. Then all of a sudden we hear something break from behind us, we each slowly turn around and look to see the one and only prince Ronan and his guards. "Oh what a pleasant surprise my princess!" He says before I cut him of. "For the bloody last time, I'm not your princess!!" I say anger starting to unravel in me. "We were just coming to look for you guys..." Ronan says while moving closer to us. "Take one more step and I'll kick you where it hurts!" I say before I hear my named called in the distance. "Summer! Lotus!" I hear as Lotus and I's heads both turn to reveal the boys. Before we could even turn our heads back I feel two hands grip onto my wrists and get pulled behind my back. "Let go of them!" Minho calls out. There was no way I would be able to get my hands out of this mans grip, I look over to Lotus and we both nod knowing exactly what to do. I mouth the words, one, two, three! We each kick our one leg back and kick each of the men gripping onto us in the groin and run. "Go, GO!" We both yell running to the boys as we all run as fast a we can away from the prince and his men. We don't stop running and make our way further and further through the jungle with Ronan and his guards right behind. We then finally make our way back to the safe haven and quickly run up to Jorge to warn him on what's happening, screams going through the crowds or people suddenly running around. "There hear! The people who captured us before! There back, for some reason!" I say as Jorge face turns to shock. "EVERYONE, CALM DOWN!" Jorge yells as everyone comes to an abrupt stop. We all slowly make our way up to Ronan and his guards with there spears gripped tightly in there hands pointing at us. "We mean no harm, where just wondering what your doing here and what you want..." Jorge says raising his arm in a 'geez cam down' position as Vince comes up from behind but says no words and stays silent. "Where hear to bring back Mercedes, and to get the Prince's princess." One of the guards say while looking at me after saying princess, I then feel a sudden grip at my hand as I tell its Thomas' after it rapping around mine. "I'm staying" Mercedes says in a firm voice. "I made my own decision, and I've met someone who I really love, Aris, and my decision is final I'm sorry" she says afterwards. "Fine. But if you won't come with us-" the prince begins to say before gripping me by the wrist pulling me towards them with my grip from Thomas' hand loosen. "Well just take her" he says while pulling me in against his chest with one of his guards spears against my neck. "Ok, ok... before you go any further let's just talk-" Vince says before getting cut off. "There's nothing to talk about! The decision is final, we take her or you don't get Mercedes!" Ronan says in a harsh tone.

Then Ronan grabs Summer out of my grip and Mercedes in the other hand, holding both tight. "Make your decision, Mercedes or Summer." Ronan says. "Your not getting either, there both staying here with us." Jorge says standing up taller. "How about we make a deal." I say. "A race, our runners aghast your runners. Whoever wins gets them both." Then Summer and Mercedes both look at me confused, "Thomas?" Summer says to me. "Trust me we will win." I whisper to her. "So is that a deal?" I say holding out my hand to Ronan to shake. Then he puts his hand on mine and says "deal. Four against  four." --------Skip time------
"Ok everybody, there will be four rounds the first team to get the most points wins. One point for every person they get across." It's Minho, lotus, summer and  I aging their four runners. First up is Summer against tally. "Ready set go!" They  both run but Summer wins by a long shot. Then Minho vs. Gabriel. "Ready set go!" Then Minho wins by a long shot, making their team look really bad. Next up was Lotus, I could tell she was nervous because of loosing her best friend. "Ready set go!" They both run side by side it's really close, then just before the end Lotus trips on her own feet and slides scraping her legs. Face first. The other team wins that one. As we go to help her up she's about to cry because she might loose her best friend. Then finally it was my turn. I was going to win this for Summer and Mercedes. "Ready set go!" Then we both go, but the other guy tries to trip me down. Then I jump over his tripping leg and run to the win. We're all cheering and hugging with happiness. "We get to keep them and you never can come back again, or your tribe will go down." Jorge says "Ready for a celebratory bonfire!" Jorge says as they walk out of our safe haven.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2021 ⏰

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