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*The next morning*
I wake up in the shack to Lotus not there, it felt weird because we always wake up at the same time every morning since we've been here and have started work together.

Today was a bit hotter, so I put on some black shorts, a white T-shirt, boots and my hair in a ponytail.

Once I finish, I make my way over to the Med hut to check on Lotus, I walk into one of the rooms where I catch her trying to stand up.

"Woah! Let me help you" I say while putting one of her arms around my shoulder and bringing her outside.

I look around to see Thomas, Minho, Gally and Brenda sitting at a table, so I decide to bring her and me over.

Both Minho and Thomas shimmy away from each other to make a big gap between them for us to sit.

Since Lotus was on my one side closet to Minho she sat beside him, and I sat beside Thomas while Gally and Brenda are sitting beside each other on the other side of the pick-nick table.

"So, are you to shanks together yet?" Minho asks out of the blue as both of their faces go red and they nod.

Both Lotus and I look at each other in shock and Lotus leans into my ear to whisper something.

"What happened when I was gone?" She asks.

"Some liking who you have to kiss during spin the bottle," I whisper into her ear.

Then we separate and she nods, still in surprise.

We turn our heads to everyone at the table staring, but Gally is the one who stands out with his one raised eyebrow, Lotus and I can't help ourselves and giggle.

"What?" We both question before everyone turns their heads to look at Harriet, Sonya and Aris coming our way.

"Hey, guys," I say once they finally reach us.

"Do you think I'll be able to hunt today?" Lotus asks looking back and forth between Harriet and Sonya.

I catch Aris looking at me weird again, so I turn my attention back to Harriet and Sonya.

"You can as long as you don't do anything too intense to harm your ankle more," Harriet says in reply.

"Well, we just wanted to check up on Lotus, but see you guys later!" Sonya says before she, Harriet and Aris leave to go to work.

"Well since that's settled, should we get ready and head out?" Thomas suggests while looking back and forth between all of us.

"Sure," we all say in unison as we get up to find our gear.

Both Lotus and I make our way over to our bow, put our arrows in this tub on our back and our straps around our leg to hold our knives.

Once we finish, we head over to meet up with Thomas, Minho and Gally where we see Thomas and Minho still putting on their gear and Gally and Brenda passionately kissing saying their goodbyes.

"Yuck!" I call out.

Thomas and Minho look at me then turn their eyes to the passion happening a few feet beside us.

"Seriously, we'll be gone for like what an hour? And you guys are kissing like it's the end of the world!" Minho says in his sassy tone.

Eventually they stop and the rest of us stand there crossed armed ready to go.

Gally says goodbye to Brenda as he walks over and says something to Thomas.

"I'm surprised you chose Teresa over her, cause I'm mean, you had your chance with both," He says while starting to make his way into the jungle.

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