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As we get to a campsite and go into a bit for me to stay with lotus and Mercedes, the boys are getting some supplies for food and warmth for the night. Lotus and Mercedes try to carry me over to the fire so I can get warm. As were talking we look over to see the boys running over with a bunch of stuff in their hands. Then Thomas get to us first out of breath with a old dingy med-kit in his hands. "We found it in one of the huts, it's a bit beaten up but we can use whatever we can to help until we get back to camp." He says out of breath but happy. As Mercedes opened it up to see what's inside, we see just a barley full bottle of rubbing alcohol and a bandage that's dirty from mud. "Thomas, to run this under some water at the spring to clean up the bandage and take summer  with you to clean her cut. Then comeback and we can use whatever's left of this rubbing alcohol." Mercedes said. As Thomas carries me bridal style towards the river, there is an awkward silence between us. Then I just keep looking at him then back at the ground until I finally say something "so, um, how was your day so far?" This question sounded ridiculous because I've been with him all day.  "Pretty good actually." "That's good." I say like an idiot. But thankfully as soon as it gets quiet again we see the river and the awkward silence was gone because we needed to focus now. "Ok so I'm going to put you down here and could you try to clean whatever you can out of it so we can use the rubbing alcohol more wisely." Then he put me down in the edge of the rubber with my legs in the water. I start to scrub lightly to try not to hurt it. Then I look over to see Thomas kneeling down to wash the bandage. He looks so serious right now but that expression changed as soon as he saw me staring at him, he started to have a crooked smile. Once we both finished we squeezed the excess water out of the bandage, he put me back in his arms and started walking back to camp. As we walked in everyone started cheering and laughing because of the way he was holding me. Thomas just looked embarrassed but owning it, but I said "shut up!" While laughing. Then we all got settled for dinner and later on.

After we ate dinner Gally decided to go to bed early. So all six of us were just sitting by the fire, but it was very boring. Everyone else was talking except me so I decided to go explore a bit. I start rummaging through the huts trying to find something fun to do. When I find a old radio. I try to press some buttons and I press the play button and music starts playing, it's a bit crackly but works. Then I start pressing different stations and they have different music on watch station. I look at the back and see a chamber so I opening it and see a music tape with the song titles listed on them. I put everything back together and rush back to camp. "Guys! I found this radio and it play good music. If we want to can listen to it now." "Nice where did you find it?" Summer asks "in one of the huts." "We should dance!" Mercedes says grabbing Aris hand and pulling him up to dance as I start the music. Then it turns to a slow song, right away Summer and Thomas go together and start to dance. Then I see Aris shingly go over to Mercedes and ask her to dance. Then it's just me and Lotus standing there awkwardly, so I decide to go over and ask her. "Do you wanna dance?" "Fine, but it's only because we look like shanks standing here." Then she puts her arms around me and started to dance but not looking at me whatsoever. So to break the tension I tell her "you know I'm really sorry. Like really REALLY sorry. So sorry you don't even know how much." I say whispering so the others don't hear. "I know your sorry, but until you show that it won't happen ever again I can't trust you. And I want to have that trust back." She said a bit soft. "You know I can't exactly trust you right now either!" " I know I did a stupid thing, but your was stupider." By this point were not even dancing anymore we're just standing next to each other making hand gestures. "I'm gonnd go now, bye" Then she Angrily  walked away holding her arms.

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