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I think I'm the first to wake up because I hear no sounds around me. But then as I walk over to wear the bonfire was I see Aris snoring. I giggle a little trying to hold it in so I don't wake anybody. I go out to collect fire wood so we can make breakfast. As I'm walking collecting twigs and logs, I here a sound. I immediately take the knife out of my leg pack and hold it out slowly turning in a circle. Then it goes silent again so I keep walking collecting. As I'm walking back to camp with wood in my hands, I figure walks around the corner and I bash into him, And the wood hitting hard on the floor. "What the shuck are you doing Minho?! Your going to wake everyone up!" I say frustrated " sorry but I woke up and saw you weren't there so I went looking for you." " well look you found me. I wondered if you still cared about me at all!" I say whisper shouting. "What do you mean!" I rolled my eyes and pushed him further away from camp "be quiet!" " is this about the other night? You never even gave me the chance to explain!" " I don't want to hear it Minho. It's not that you kissed her it's the way you did, like you were actually into it. And right now I can't forgive you for that." Then I walked away with whatever wood I had left in my hands. "Lotus wait!" But I just ignored him and kept walking. Once I got back to camp everyone was awake sitting around the unmade fire preparing the food. Except for Summer and Thomas they were cuddling to keep warm until the fire was made. "You look like trash!" Summer said as I walked into the camp. "Shut your shucking face!" And through down the logs. 

All while we were eating breakfast I couldn't help stare at Lotus in anger. I know it want her fault, but at the same time the way she reacted to it made me mad. Once we all finished eating and packing we all set off on foot into the woods. Mercedes and lotus were in front the rest of us behind. I tried to speed walk in front of the group to talk to her but everyone I would open my mouth she would dodge me and so to the back of the group. At this point I have stopped trying and she can forgive me when she wants. So now it's me and Mercedes at the front her leading trying to get out of this shucking forest. Then we hear a sound in the forest "oh great not again! At least this time we know it's not going to be Minho coming to look for me." Lotus says, I can't stand this "the only reason I was coming to look for you is because I was worried about you!" At this point me and Lotus are at the front of the group with Mercedes fighting. "Well great at least I know that you still care about me!" She says in a sarcastic tone "of corse I still care about you!" As I fill up with anger I can just see her looking at me, her eyes starting to gets by watery but her blinking it away then going back to anger. "Uh guys I don't think this is a good time to be fighting." Thomas says holding a knife in his hand. Then as I'm looking at her I feel a sharp pain in my leg, I look sown to see an arrow in my lower leg. I makes a wincing sound and tried to sand but but Lotus pushing me to the group to stay down. Then they all go attack mode for whatever was to come next. Then we see a male pop out of the bush. We all almost attack it when we thought it was an animal, but we see it's Gally! "What the suck Gally!" Thomas says heavy breathing. "Hey! Sorry I thought you guys were animals." "Why are you here?" Summer asks "George sent me down as a search team Bruce's you guys were gone so long." " why the hell did you shoot me!" "Like I said, thought you were an animal. But I guess it's kind of like payback for a couple years ago." He was laughing like he thought it was a joke but no one else was laughing "no, not funny? Ok I guess it's just me." Then it was silent for a minute everyone confused. "Common we have to head for camp, I think I still remember the way. But first let's take care of the victim here." Then Gally leaned down and pulled the arrow out of my leg. I screamed form the pain. Then Summer leaned down and wrapped it up. I could walk but not very well so Aris stayed by my side to make sure I was ok. "So since we have nothing better to do explain to me why all of you look like klunk?" We all just glare at him "you don't want to know." I say to get him to stop. "No, common I wanna know your details. Because something happened when your gone and it looks interesting."

"ok you wanna hear it? Fine! Summer almost got married, Minho kissed Mercedes older sister, Aries kissed Mercedes, I'm was pissed at Summer but not anymore, and Lotus and Minho hate each other right now." I say giving him the gist of things. " and who is she?" Gally asked "she's Mercedes, a tribal princess girl who captures us but help us escape and is now coming to live with Us at the safe haven." I say. "Oh wait you forgot something, remember you and Lotus almost kissed but then I stopped you! You guys were REALLY drunk!" Arid laughing but everyone with a surprised, confused, mad expression on their faces. Then Lotus basically attacked Aris, "I told you not to tell you shucking shank!" Grabbing him by the collar of his shirt. "Woah calm down!" Gally said grabbing Lotus of of Aris. "What when did this happen!?" Basically all of us aid except Aris and Lotus. Everybody's face was mad except mine. I was confused because I didn't remember any of this. "I don't remember any of this!" I say " we were drunk! Of corse you don't remember it!" Lotus says now everyone is all having one humongous fight in the woods, except for Gally, his laughing his shucking ass off. I then see Summer stop and walk away, I ran after her calling her name but she doesn't stop, I finally reach her and grip onto her arm stopping her. "Summer... listen to me, please don't be mad" "Don't be mad? Don't be mad!? You said you needed some time to think about things, and the way you chose to do that was get super drunk and practically kiss my best friend! I think I have some reasons to be mad" Shes says with her eyes starting to look glossy. "But I don't-" I start to say before she rips her arm from my grip and bumps my shoulder as she makes her way over to the group. I follow after her, though giving her space when she walks up to Lotus and slaps her in the face. Lotus turns her face and slaps her back, then in split seconds there both on the floor tackling each other getting worse and worse by the second, I look at Minho and we both look at each other and nod as we each go and grab one of them to separate from each other. Minho grabs Lotus, and I grab Summer as she squirms around trying to get out of my grip. "How could you!" Summer says as her voice becomes shaky and she stops squirming as I can tell somethings wrong. "We were drunk, ok!? I would never actually kiss Thomas! I was mad, and upset, and going through the same feelings you are right now! Please Summer... Please forgive us" Lotus says looking at Summer. They both look at each other and then run into each other's arms and hug each other, both of them crying, but laughing at the same time. "Remind me to make sure you don't get dunk again!" Summer says as they both giggle. "Can we please get out of here?" Gally asks in a kinda annoyed tone. "Why so you can get back to your precious Brenda?" Lotus says as Gally rolls his eyes and starts walking away, us following. We all make our way through the jungle when we come across this strong stream. "Watch your step, the currents strong here" Gally says while leading the way across the rocks in the stream. We each slowly and carefully walk across the slippery rocks, Gally is the first one to make it across, then Mercedes and Aris slightly after while the rest of us still make our way. I suddenly hear a squeal from behind me as I look behind me and see Summer slip on one of the rocks and into the strong current. "Summer! Grab my hand!" I yell as I reach out my hand, with her reaching out hers but it doesn't reach. She keeps trying to push against the current but nothing works, the rest of us made our way across the rocks and start making our way down the sides of the stream as Mercedes goes and grabs a long stick and we run as fast as we can to make it in front of Summer and Mercedes reaches out the branch for her to grip on to. Once she reaches the branch she raps her arms around it and we all begin to pull her in, once she reaches shore she lies down out of breath as we all run up to her. They all talk to her as she spits up water and starts to open her eyes, I though, look her up and down for any injuries when I notice a deep wound on her leg. "Guys look!" I say as they all turn there attention and look at her leg with shocked faces. "That's deep... she must've really cuts her leg against that rock while falling" Lotus says. "But what do we do? We don't have a med-kit" Minho asks looking back and forth between all of us for an answer. "I don't know..." Mercedes says in reply. I start to get worried as I don't know how much this wound can affect Summer in the future if we don't handle it. "Im fine... let's just keep going" Summer says as she starts to lift herself up. "No, your not" Lotus says pushing her back down to the floor. "Yes, I am" Summer says while getting up again. "No your not!" "Yes I am!" They repeat to each other over and over until Gally gets fed up. "ENOUGH! Let's just find somewhere to rest for the rest of the night and figure things out" Gally says getting them to finally stop arguing. "Fine..." they both say rolling there eyes. "Now, Thomas, you carry Summer until we find somewhere to stay the night" Mercedes says looking at me. So I do, I pick her up as we all make our way through the jungle a bit more, when we suddenly come across this empty camp site. "Let's stay here." Mercedes says as we set down our stuff and get comfortable.

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