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As me and Summer enter the water fall, we feel the heavy cold water hit our heads and back.

"So that was a fun experience, wouldn't you say?" I say teasing Summer.

"No it was not. I hope you never do that again." She asserts.

"Oh come on you know you like the attention!"

She just stands there blushing a little bit.

As I push my hair back out of my eyes, I look out of the corner of my eye to see the three boys staring at us showering.

"Hey do you mind!  I know we're hot but can you at least give us some privacy!" I say practically screaming so they can hear me over the waterfall crashing down in front of me.

They all just quickly turn around all jumbled and embarrassed.

As me and Summer get out and grab out towels, Summer immediately puts her towel over her body and I start drying my hair as we walk over to the boys.

"Your turn." We say as we start to dry off.

All three start heading down toward the water fall.

But then we see them go farther into the waterfall so we can't see them.

Then we notice three bathing suit trunks pop out of the waterfall but the boys remain under the waterfall so we can't see them.

"Oh! Shower time with them boys!" I say laughing.


About ten minutes later they grab there swim suits back and come out.

Summer and I are dying laughing when they come out.

They all stand there all embarrassed and mad.

We then see Mercedes come out of the building with two piles of clothes.

"Ok, I got one for the boys and the other for the girl. I don't care who gets what just change from your awful clothing that you had before."

She then places them on a bench and walks away.

We all separate the clothing and go change.

Us boys finish changing first.

We have simple clothes just a tee shirt and some shorts.

But then we see the girls come out, they look badass if you know what I mean.

They had crop tops on with shorts, and there usual gear from the hunting on and they both had there hair up in ponytails.

I look over at Thomas and Aries to have the same shocked expression on their faces because we've never seen them in this kind of clothing, at least before the whole shower incident.

The girls looked a bit concerned at our faces.

"Uh you girls ready?" Thomas says before we start heading over to a fire to meet Mercedes for dinner.

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