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*5 months later*
The past few months have been the same, hunting, eat, sleep, repeat, and we've all gotten closer, Thomas and I, Minho and Lotus and Aris and Mercedes, and Brenda is five months preggo with only four months to go. I couldn't ask for anything better really. Today started off the same, we all ate breakfast and then got ready for hunting, as I was getting ready though I notice Thomas coming up to me. "What's up?" I ask as he finally reaches me. "I got us a day off work" he says. "Why?" I ask now looking up at him. "It's a surprise! Now take your gear off and follow me" he says, me afterward taking my stuff off and putting it in Lotus' and I's hut. I leave the hut to see Thomas waiting outside for me, he grips onto my hand and brings me towards the forest. "Thomas! Where are we going?" I say slightly giggling, but exited and nervous at the same time, waiting for him to reply. Then he finally stops and putts his one  hand over my eyes so I can't see anything. "Thomas!" I say while smiling. "Shhh, were almost there..." he says while still pulling me. We then come to another spot and he takes his one hand off from covering my eyes, I open my eyes to see a blanket laid down in front of us on a cliff over looking the beach, with the blanket that has food spread all over it. "Thomas you shouldn't-" I say before he cuts me off. "But I wanted too!" He says while pulling me down onto the blanket as we both sit. "Happy five month anniversary!" He says while planting a small kiss on my lips. "Happy five months indeed!" I say as we start eating the food in front of us. "You know, I never thought I would make it here, and now that I am I couldn't be happier!" He says while looking at me. "I couldn't be happier either!" I say as we smile before going back to eating. After we finished eating he grips onto my hand and pulls me up, I don't say anything and let him bring me over to the edge of the little cliff. We both sit down with our legs dangling over the edge as he raps his arm around my waist pulling me in close. He plants a small but passionate kiss on my lips before I rest my head back on his shoulder as we look at the amazing view that lies right in front of us.

We're getting ready to go hunting, but it's just Lotus, Gally and I because Summer and Thomas got the day off for some reason. All I can think about is where I'm going to take Lotus after we get back. We come back with a baby cougar for dinner. I watch Lotus go into her hut to change, I follow her just outside her door and said "dress in something fancy." "Why?" "Just trust me." "Fine, I'll be out in ten." Then I ran to my hut to quickly change. I changed into some black khakis and a white dress shirt, trying not to be too fancy. Then I wait in front of her door for her to come out. As she comes out I see that she's wearing a light blue dress with spaghetti straps and that comes above her knees. Then I grab her hand, interlocking our fingers as I guide her to my secret location. "Where are you taking me?" "Can't you just trust me?" I say jokingly "I don't know, can I?" She says ironically. Then I lead her into the forest then into the training section. "Why are we here? And why did I have to dress fancy for this?" She asks questioning. "I took you here because this is where we first met. And why I got you to dress fancy was only for my own pleasure, because you look hot when you dress fancy." "So you don't think I'm hot when I'm not in a dress! I see how it is." She says sarcastically "no, no that's not what I meant I- will you just shut up and kiss me already." Then I lean in putting one hand on her jaw and the other on her waist. After that we just played around with the training equipment, me teaching her how to fight better with a spear and other stuff like that. I was trying to make her laugh as much as possible, but that just made her blush more at the same time. 

*skip to night time* Fast moving pictures. WCKD is good. The maze. The glade. Summer. Drowning. Tests. Flashes. Ava Paige. Grievers. Running for dear life. Friends dead. Over and over again. screaming and crying for help, in the dream and out of it. Then I feel a nudge on my shoulder and a voice that sounds familiar say "Lotus it's Summer, your fine. Calm down your safe here." I sit up in bed holding my legs crying. I see Brenda, Gally, Mercedes, Aries, Minho and Thomas storming into the room saying "what happened? Who's screaming? Are you ok?" Basically every question in the world being shot in my face. Then Minho sits down on my bed hugging me and I push my face in his chest while I cry. "Lotus what happened in your dream?" Summer asked as softly as possible. "There were grievers and walls and running and death- WCKD-..." I kept rambling on not making any sense just saying one word answers trying to depict what was in my dream, while crying at the same time. "Well I'm going back to bed." Gally said with Aries, Brenda and Mercedes following behind him rubbing their eyes. Of corse Thomas and Minho stayed with me and Summer. Mostly to comfort. I'm pretty sure they stayed all night but I fell asleep in Minho arms. As I wake up I see strong arms cuddling me, I turn my head and see Minho sleeping next to me, hugging me the same way he was last night. He didn't move an inch. As I carefully sit up not to wake Minho I look over to see Thomas sleeping in Summers bed with her. Then everyone else starts to wake up, slowly each and everyone of them ask if I'm ok, and of corse I say yes even though on the inside I'm not. I've been having those same night terrors for a good week now and I had them in the maze too. Then Summer and Thomas walk out to give us some space. "I wish you didn't have to see me cry like that." "Why not, I think your beautiful when you cry." "Well I think I took

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