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My job sucks! I'm a fisherman and surrounded by girls, it's like I'm back in group B all over again.

The only good thing about this job is all the girls want my attention and to help them with things.

I turn my head when I hear a male voice yell "Can we get a bit of help here?!" It's Minho.

He's carrying someone, I can't tell who from this far away.

But it looks like a girl.

I see med-jacks rushing over to get her in the med hut.

I drop my fishing rod and start running toward the med hut.

I slam the door open and see Minho, Thomas and Gally standing near the back.

I look at the stretchers and see Summer in one and Lotus in the other.

"No no no! What happened Sonya! Come on, guys!" I walk over trying to get to Lotus but they don't let me.

"Go see Summer for now, we need to deal with her." I turn to see Summer, she doesn't look too bad.

I don't even know why she's here, she doesn't look hurt.

Then I see a little bit blood at the back of her head.

"Uh, Guys she's bleeding out of her head." I inform.

"Shuck! Um ok, I'll be there in a minute!" Harriet says.

"Thomas, hand me those bandages." I give them to summer to do herself.

Thomas and I help her sit up for her to do her bandages.

"Minho, get that rubbing alcohol and that aloe vera stem." Someone asks.

The next thing I see is Sonya's pour rubbing alcohol on her bite and Lotus screaming.

Then proceeding put aloe vera on it and she squeals even louder.

All of us boys looked in shock at this big needle filled with a green liquid.

Sonya puts a rag in Lotus's mouth and held her down.

"Ok, this is gonna hurt. Take a deep breath in three two..." She takes a big breath as Harriet put the needle in her leg.

She screamed louder than I've ever heard, squirming and sweating like it was torture.

Then she passed out, she looked dead. "Is she ok?! What's happening!?" Minho asks.

"She's going to be fine. I just gave her a muscle relaxer and some pain meds. She should be out till tomorrow." Harriet says.

"Now let's take care of you Summer." Sonya says.

"I'm fine, it's just bleeding." Summer explains.

"Did you clean it?" Sonya asks.

"No..." Summer says in reply, a bit hesitant.

Harriet then took the bandages off and cleaned the wound, putting fresh bandages on.

You should sleep for a while, at least till dinner. You boys have to leave to go do your jobs." Santa suggests.

After that, we all leave.

Were all sitting by the fire with our blankets talking.

Gally comes up with the best idea.

"Hey, does anyone have a bottle? We should play"

Gally then spins first, it lands on Brenda.

They both stand up slowly and walk toward each other.

They slowly kiss, take a break but go back in for another but more passionate this time.

"Get a room!" We all say in unison.

Then Harriet spins and it lands on the frypan.

They both get up fast almost like they want it to be over with.

It was a fast and petty kiss, but once they sat down they both looked at each other like they were wanting more.

Then finally, Aris spins the bottle, as it spins he keeps looking back and forth from the bottle and Summer.

Then it lands on Sonya.

He gets up slowly, almost seeming scared to kiss her.

But just as Sonya goes in and millimetres before their lips touch he breaks it and speaks up. "I-I'm sorry, I can't do this." The whole time staring at Summer.

A few seconds later, walking away into the huts.

Looking at Summer's face, I can see that she was trying not to make eye contact with him, looking down and at Thomas and I, it was weird.

"Hey, Minho it's your turn." Thomas says to me.

"Uh, I don't think I'm up for it, maybe another time."  I announce.

"Ok man that's fine, what about you Summer..." Thomas asks, I walked away at that point.

I figured I should go check on Lotus to see if she's still asleep.

As I walk into the med hut I see her still asleep on the stretcher.

I walk over and sit on the opposite stretcher next to her.

I want to comfort her but I don't know how, ever since I've been put in the maze my feeling of comfort and me being sensitive are gone.

They've been locked up in a different person I don't know anymore.

I wanted to comfort her in some way because I knew she would still feel pain, even if it's not from the snake bite.

I see her hand lying motionless next to her side, palm up.

Maybe if I hold her hand it will feel like comfort to her.

I slowly put my hand on top of hers, not interlocking my finger because that would just be weird.

I squeeze her hand tightly, but I slowly feel her hand start to move and I quickly start to release my hand, but she doesn't let me go, my hand is stuck.

Then she jolts awake, and I jump.

I try to call for a med-jack but they can't hear me because they're at the campfire.

She starts to squirm and almost wine from the pain.

I finally get my hand back and run over to Sonya.

"She's awake! Help me come on!"

As we enter back into the med hut we see her on her side, back towards the door holding her knees.

Sonya and Harriet quickly go over to see if she's ok.

"Lotus? Come on reply to me, I need you to. Open your eyes."

She is still laying there.

Harriet turns her over from her side onto her back and we see that she is awake but not talking.

"My leg hurts." She announces.

We all have a sigh of relief, she's fine.

"Who was holding my hand earlier? You woke me up."

Sonya and Harriet both look over at me slowly and I just smirk a little.

"It doesn't matter. All that matters is your awake now and well" Sonya says looking at me like 'you owe me one.'

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