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As I wake up I realize I'm not in my bed.

Is someone hugging me?

I look up to see Thomas resting his head against mine fast asleep, both of us up against a tree.

Thomas then starts to wake up.

"Uh what happened last night?" I ask confused.

"We kissed then fell asleep, remember?" He explains.

Then it all came rushing back.

"Oh ya right."

The sun was so bright out here, I had to squint so my eyes didn't hurt.

I stand up and stretch, then looking at my watch I notice that we have to go for hunting in a hour.

"Hunting starts in a hour." I remind.

"Ok, we got plenty of time to rel-" Thomas starts.

"Wait a minute! Lotus! I should have talked to her by now, she's probably worried sick." I cutt him off.

"No it's fine don't worry about them."

"Them!?" I question.

I jump up and try to find Lotusband attempt to figure out what Thomas means by this 'them'.

I see Thomas following behind me.

The both of us look throughout the camp.

But of course the last place we check, the beach, we see two body like figures lying on the sand.

As we quietly walk over we see Lotus sleeping on the sand and a couple of feet next to her is Minho hugging a pile of sand.

I try not to laugh as I wake up Lotus.

"Lotus, it's me Summer." I whisper.

She starts to wake up.

Once she finally wakes up I start my questioning.

"Why the heck are you lying on the beach with Minho!?"

"Say it any louder I think the people in the mines could hear you." Lotus says in a sarcastic tone, both her and Minho are now awake.

"We have work in a hour so come on."

We all go on to get dressed and eat breakfast.

We meet in our hut to get dressed as we see Brenda in the back near our washroom area puking.

"Uh Brenda you ok?" I ask as Lotus quickly goes to hold her hair

"Yeah I'm fine.. I think"

She didn't seem ok.

I wonder what happened last night when her and Gally walked past us last night.

But I wasn't completely clueless, there were thoughts of course, but not ones that I wanted to believe.

Let's hope they didn't. Theres no way, but I guess yet again it's Gally and Brenda.

We all get dressed and we find out that Gally wants to stay behind to take care of Brenda, so we decided to take Aris instead because we need five people.

I head over to Jorge.

"I think we might be out a little later than usual because of we're going to go to get some extras." I inform.

"Ok be back in four hours and if your not back by then I'm sending a search team." He asserts.

As we all head off into the jungle, Aries tries to talk to me here and there.

"Hey, I just wanted to say sorry about what happened earlier. It was my fault and you shouldn't have been punished for that." He apologizes

"It's fine, whatever, it's in the past now." I say as we continue walking.

I look forward to see Minho, Thomas and Lotus talking.

"He-"I begin but get cut off by a bunch of arrows circling us.

"Woah!" We all jump, Aries looks nervous because he isn't used to being a hunter, and this happens to unfold on his first day.

We then watch as about 10 people come out of the shadows, in trees and from bushes.

There then proceeds to come a mysterious girl that jumps down from the tree with a spear.

She has long curly hair and face paint.

A crop top that looks almost like a bra, and shorts with a belt with the usual boots.

"Who are you and why are you here?" She asks.

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