Element of kindness

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( making a personal art coming soon! 😁)
( new edit of this chapter i hope that it turned out good >.<)

astarot: ok ok before I start, I just wanna
say I'm a horrible story teller and by the way, this is a human version of MLP ok. I do not own an MLP. It's from the hub and Hasbro.

Smiley: yea yea just gets it on. Ok, the director does not own mlp but the director owns this story.

astarot : ( open book using magic.) Oh I almost forgot (wide eyes)

Ryuu: awesome

Sweetiebelle: what?

astarot: oh well this story will be a part of how the king will defeat the elements.

Cuttie : awww (sad face ) hey but it's gonna be awesome right? And now we're wasting time here so please start reading

(cute face)

Astaroth:ok (smile).

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The Crystal Kingdom

King Sombra, a king that everyone feared and even the mention of his name strike fear to everyone's heart. He is known to be handsome, with his alluring yet dangerous red and smoking emerald eyes. His vampire teeth that seemed that care bore easily at someone's flesh and his strength that almost outmatched even the two sisters but had been defeated. He returned for the second time but unfortunately twilight sparkle had outmatched his reign although he never gave up. He just waited for some time to heal and plan on how to defeat the main six once more and now the time had come for him to finish his unfinished business.

" ha..ha...hahahahahah" said, King Sombra, as he stares at the elements of harmony.

"You will never get away with this.girls are you ready?" Twilight sparkles said as she glared up at king sombra.

Twilight sparkles is a very smart magical girl that has the power of friendship. She had long dark purple hair with a light purple stripe and she wore glasses. She is very smart and has such a powerful potential that even princess celestia had chosen her to be her student. Princess Celestia has the power to raise the sun, ruler of Equestria. She has a sister named Luna, the one who raises the moon. Princess Luna was once evil and was called the nightmare moon but thanks to the elements she was saved.

Twilight Sparkle has a Brother named shining armour, a royal guard of the crystal empire.  He has short blue hair. She is the captain of the Canterlot Royal Guard, serving under Princess Celestia and Luna, and bears the title of Prince as a result of his marriage to Princess Cadance the new ruler of the crystal empire but now King sombra is there to take it back.

"Y-Yes." Said a girl named Fluttershy.

Fluttershy is a beautiful shy girl . She has long and soft wavy pink hair and she wore a dress that covered almost all of her body. She loves animals and takes good care of them with all her heart. But what she loved most from all the animals and critters is her angel bunny.

She lives in a tree house near the ever free forest. She has wings but never quite uses them. She prefers to just walk and run. Fluttershy is a very beautiful girl but it was being overshadowed by her shyness that no one even realized. Rarity however tries to boost Fluttershy confidence but to no avail.

Rarity is also a very beautiful girl, and has the power to see gems and levitate items. She has a pet cat and she has the most generous heart . She helps anyone who is in need share her passion for designing clothes and sharing it to the world.

"I can't wait to break his face!." Rainbow dash.

Rainbow dash is a very strong girl and a fast flyer. She has a pet turtle and works on the weather patrol. She is a big fan of the wonder bolts, the most amazing awesome fastest flyers in Equestria as she dreams of the day that she will be a part of them.

A dark crystal love 《Sombra X Fluttershy》Where stories live. Discover now