Chapter 1

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Your POV
I was super excited! I'd never been to another high school that had actual students talk and use there voices there. Of course, I couldnt talk, my vocal cords had to be pulled out when I was an infant since they never fully developed, but that never stopped me from learning newer and different ways to communicate with people. I have a special note book specifically for writing to people, my phone that'll speak for me whenever I type a message on there for someone, and sign language in five different languages. Yeah, pretty educated, after all, the rest of the schools I had to live through were all too easy for me, it was simple enough to pass all years of education with straight A's, honor roll student, top of my class, never missed a day of school, I was 'the good kid' in school, never got in trouble or anything, except when I throw pencils at other people, but I was never caught for that. I was a pretty young person to be in my 5th and 8th grade class since they let me skip 4th and 7thsice hey have me that test to see if I needed to do those grades, and I passed perfectly. So now it's high school that I'm going into, I was always taught at a school where people never spoke, where people couldn't hear or couldn't see, so I learned how to do sign language easily, and brail was another technique I learned. But overall, I was super excited, my Dad had us move to Seoul for a job offer that he really wanted, working in the technology systems there and was offering him over double the pay raise he had over in California.

It was all good, I was going to finally go to high school, and specifically, I was going to finally be a real student with the rest as a Junior/Senior. I've taken the AP classes for mostly junior studies and after I finish all the work and studies for Junior year that I have left, I'll move up to the Senior level. I was super nervous, especially when my Dad and I were on the plane right now, I had my fears of highest, but the window seat to see the soft bright clouds glow from the sun light, was an awe strucking moment for me to see.

I Dad was softly snoring with his earplugs in as he breathed out heavily. I just sat there listening to my music. I had a variety of music to listen to, Country, Heavy Metal, Rock and Roll, Rap, Pop, just about anything. I was listening to (favorite musician/s) as I started to drift into a nice an cosey sleep, enjoying the music put me down watching us fly next to clouds. I eyes grew heavier, and I suddenly saw darkness as I fell into a deep slumber.


I fluttered my eyes open as I felt my Dad shale my softly. "Hey kiddo, we're here." He said with a smile and I fixed my glasses on me and drew a waking up smile. I yawned softly and drew my arms and legs out, stretching my entire body out as I woke up. I quickly jumped up and got my bags and backpack with my Dad turning back to check on me, "You ready?" He asked, and I nodded excitedly.

We walked through and out the plane, the flight attendants smiling as they got us out of the plane. We walked out, going into the pool of people walking in all directions, as I held my Dad's hand, walking through so I wouldn't lose him, vis versa, we finally got up to this machine that rolled out luggage off the plane. Mine having to be a bright red with different stickers on it, and another one of mine that had almost all of my belongings in it.

We walked with our luggage of about 5 cases of our stuff, just jam packed inside of our bags and started walking out. We walked out to see a man calling out different taxi's, we walked up and he quickly got a taxi for us. We hopped in and since my Dad was a historian of some sort, he knew how to speak alot of languages some he was really fluent in. "어디로? (Where to?)" The man asked as we drove. "시그 니엘 서울 (Signiel Seoul)" My Dad said as we started moving faster, going across a bridge sent shivers down my spine.

Looking at the open and huge ocean that was going beneath us, I looked at it in awe as I saw multiple boats, ships moving all around in it. After reaching the other side, we started moving different ways, going left, going right, going up, going down. Finally we were met when we moved into huge tall towers shooting up in the air with shining windows. Looking at all the different buisness people walking around, teenagers running and skate bourding all over, venders with stands of food on the side of the roads, different sky scrapers that we moved by. As we started moving closer and closer to our destination, I saw my Dad point out the window to a huge pointing glass tower in between a river and lake with the bridge passing by it as other towers remained in the side of it.

"That's where we're staying" my Dad told me as I looked in awe at it, my jaw nearly dropping off my face. I had no words to say so all I could really do was jump happily in the taxi as the driver looked back at us suspiciously.

We drove up to it, walking into and looking nearly entirely up at the huge stature. My Dad quickly gave the man in the taxi a few bucks of the Korean currency, and we started walking into the lobby. I really couldn't comprehend the beauty of it's inside, so brightly lit and its beautiful features running all around it.

We walked up to the front desk, a woman standing there and asking my Dad some questions as I ventured my eyes all around the room. My Dad finally patted my shoulder, pulling out of my daze and we started walking with a huge grin placed on our faces. We walked into our room, viewing the amazing sight. There was an amazing living room with a TV on the wall, walking through there was even a small kitchen and a office. When I ran all throughout the room, I saw two different bedrooms. One with a huge bed and the other with a smaller bed, but still huge. There was also two huge restrooms for both rooms, which were both amazingly beautiful.

"Alright bud, might aswell start unpacking, first day of school starts tomorrow. Also, your uniforms should be in your closet, five ones of the same design so you can wear each one for each day from Monday till Friday." My Dad told me and I ran up to him and gave him the biggest huge, nearly taking him down. I did my sign language, first pointing at myself, then bring my fists to my shoulders on the opposite sides, and then pointed back at my Dad. "I love you too bud, now get started, we both have a huge day tomorrow." He said as we both started heading to our individual rooms to unpack.

By the time we were finished unpacking, it was pretty late so we both shared a delicious dinner in the kitchen and quickly my Dad was fast asleep watching TV on the couch in the other room. I scrolled through my phone, trying to find and see what to do for the remaining day I have left. I went, and sent a picture to my Mom of Dad asleep on the couch as I was smiling in the selfie.

Hi Honey!!! Love the picture of you!! How was the flight? How is it over there in Korea? What's it like? Tell me everything!

The flight was good, didn't crash so that's a plus. It is beyond beautiful over here, it's like paradise. Dad and I just unpacked, the hotel we're staying at over here looks super expensive but is by far one of the most awesome hotels in my opinion. Just wanted to say hi and let you know we got here safely. Heading to bed, love you & goodnight Mom!😊

Goodnight baby, Sleep tight! Sweet dreams, etc lol!!😘

I scrolled through a little more, texting my brother and sister, while they teased me my Dad was beginning to snore in the other room so I decided to put my phone away and start cleaning the kitchen here. After I washed the plates, forks, knives, glasses, etc, I had went and hugged my Dad goodnight, while he still was there and didn't wake up from the hug.

I kissed him lightly on the check and headed to my room. As I walked in, I still couldn't believe I was sleeping on a bed that looks like this, yet alone a room or live here like this. I jumped on my bed super excited as I looked through my Instagram and Snapchat for anything new, and to my surprise, nope, nothing new.

I walked into my bathroom to see a huge glass shower and a pearly whites bath tub and the perfectly white tiles floor. I got my spare clothes and walked into the steaming shower to get ready for bed. I walked out and pulled on my boxers and my shorts, letting the cool air dry my abdomen and torso, as small bullets of water still dripped from my hair that started hanging down to my eyes.

I walked out, feeling a rush of cooler air hit me and suddenly I was freezing, never did I suspect the balcony door was open, so I ran over and closed it quickly as my body started to shiver rapidly. As I walked out to close the door, I saw a few characters down there start to walk in, all of them having different color hair, red, pink, blue, blond, brown, black, it was like a wierd rainbow of Skittles to be honest,but I didn't give it much thought until one of them looked up and pointed at me, as the other started moving to look up at me as well. -Shoot!- I thought to myself and quickly ran off the balcony, closed the door, and ran under the covers to keep warm.

I walked to turn off the light to my room, steam still filling the air in there. I walked back to get under the covers of my bed and started day dreaming about the day so far. Dad took me to Korea, plane ride was amazing, new home is amazing, saw new people, and gonna sleep soon. I started to drift as my eyes grew heavier again and I opened my mouth to give out a loud yawn, hugging the pillow next to me as I started to sleep.

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