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Welcome to the first chapter! I'm not sure how this is going to go but please enjoy!! :))
Warming: bullying and cursing
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"Good morning director, you have a meeting at ten thirty, I'll have the room prepared before we start." My assistant said as he followed close behind me upon entering the building.

I nodded as we go arrived at my office door, I opened the door and went towards the desk placing my case down. "Bring me a coffee." He excused himself and left, soon returning with a steamy cup of bitter goodness.

Thanking my assistant, he left to his desk that sat adjacent to my door but insight where I'd be able to see him through the window.

I too sat down at my desk and began to type out my reports for the head of the company, my dear father.

He is the CEO of [company name] and as his daughter I've taken the role of being branch director.

At a young age I took up the 'opportunity' of working at my fathers company. Although it was more of a sacrifice of my life than my pleasure of accepting the job.

Not to make my life sound miserable but I didn't think things would end up like this. Having such an important role yet it means nothing in the end.

Sure it has its advantages but was it worth losing the trust of other around me to feel okay? To feel accepted by a father who only sees his daughter as the next successor of his company rather than a member of his family?

It's been about four years since I started, and to be frank it was a rollercoaster. I had great co workers, one including my best friend from high school.

Takushi Aito.

He was around average height around 170 cm if he felt fancy enough to wear his elevated loafers. Which added onto his height.

His distinctive features consisted of dark short hair, brown eyes and a wedding ring that was soon to come off.

How did he land such a wonderful position as my secretary? Well it all started back in high school.


"What a loser!" A group of boys pushed the smaller male against the outside gates of the school. The frail boy wasn't sure what he had did wrong, he was always quite and had a decent relationship with most people.

For a while now the upperclassman that he stumbled upon, have been tormenting the poor boy. From his memory he hasn't done anything to upset his senpais.

"W-what did I do?" The boys laughed and bent down to where he laid on the rocky ground.

"Stay away from my girl, a loser like you isn't allowed around people like me."

Aito's eyes widened, where'd he get the idea he was trying to hit on his girl. "Sorry I don't get where your coming from."

"Don't act stupid, I know you tryna fu-"

"Bullying is prohibited, if you have a problem you speak with me about it."

The group of boys turned to be faced with the student council president. "Ah shit it's that first year again."

They bowed and ran off. 'What a bunch of fools' she thought. Looking back to the other kid she noticed he was all bruised.

She stepped closer to him, but he flinched and moved away. "Are you okay?" She asked although it came off a bit unsympathetic considering her tone was quite unemotional.

"I'm fine sorry to bother you!" He quickly got up and ran, scared of being scolded by the demon president. That's what people called her, it was a rumor that carried out throughout the school.

She was stoic and cold towards others, but really she was struggling to adapt to the sudden change in scenery.

[name] attend private schools in the past and had quite a strict family. But recently she was able to convince her father to send her to Karasuno where her mother went.

She felt better knowing she could have a decently normal life.

The president sighed and decided to run after the boy. She wasn't sure why but a gut feeling told her to follow him.

Rounding corner after corner she had finally caught up to him. He was hidden in the storage room of the gym.

"Dont run away I won't hurt you."

"It's hard to tell of your telling the truth your face hasn't changed."

"Are you saying I'm ugly?" She was genuinely confused, she didn't know whether or not to take it as an insult.

"No your just ah nevermind." He gave up and stood from his spot. "Let's get you treated, I'll speak with those upperclassman later."

Aito was too exhausted to argue, he reluctantly followed her. While walking he had finally gotten a better view of her.

She was [tall/short] and had [long/short] hair.
However she didn't wear the normal for uniform, she wore pants instead.

For a classy girl like [name] she hated having to show her legs to horny teens, and felt more comfortable in pants. Especially when chasing down a 168 cm high school boy.

Aito was treated in the nurses office and sent home for the rest of the evening. Meanwhile [name] was scaring a bunch of third year shitless even thought no threats were made.

Her gaze was enough to make them shiver. Which she enjoyed, a feeling of dominance was one thing a powerful Director would need when running a company.

After the scolding she went on a stalking spree, she was able to access information on the student she helped.

She learned his name and for fun got his address. Even finding out he was in her class.

Why didn't she notice him?

[name] knew he probably wasn't taking care of himself so decided to stop by his house and do it herself.

After a while she arrived to be faced with a shocked boy and a small dog running around her legs.

"W-why are you here?"

The flash back will carry onto chp 2 thank you and have a good day/night!

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