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Thinking about you?
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After a while of ignoring Ukai, he seemed to keep his distance from you. It was very noticeable, your mood increasingly got worse as you missed his presence.

Not many people noticed this cause you were able to mask it very well but Takushi was no fool.

He knew your were upset, and knew it had to do something with the missing person in your daily routine.

"I've messed up Takushi." You said quietly as the two of you walked to the roof. "He turned to see you looking down. "When will you talk to him again?"

You didn't bother asking as you knew Takushi, and that he'd get his information one way or another.

"I can't, not after what I said."

"Well all you can do is apologize."


Takushi started walking again but stopped when he heard your steps going the other way. He smiled knowing you had made up your mind. "Good to know you aren't a procrastinator" he chuckled to himself.

You ran down the stairs, passing the second years who were cheering in the hall. But stopped when you sent a quick glare.

You made it to the cafeteria where you stopped. "Are you serious watch where your going." A kid from another class pushed Ukai back as he accidentally bumped into him.

"You go my shirt dirty."

"Sorry dude just calm down and clean it." Ukai's said calmly. He wasn't bothered at the second, but it went unnoticed to him that the student grabbed another kids milk.

You were able to read out the situation. Quickly you ran and placed your hands on both sides of Ukai's chair pressing your chest against his back.

You were glad you made it in time as the milk dipped off your back onto the floor. Your hair and jacket were soaked as you guarded Ukai from the milk.

It was purely out of instinct but you wouldn't have done this for anyone else so was he special?

Students from near by began to whisper as you slowly stood up and faced the perpetrator.

"What are you 10? Using food as a toy, how many times do I have to tell you, if you want to mess around I suggest you do it off school premises."

Your voice began to raise as you angrily glared at him. "Sorry Sugawara-san." You scoffed and took off your jacket. "Everyone back to class!"

Although you weren't a teacher many knew that messing with you would be the end of their high school careers.


"It's [name] to you"

Ukai smiled and handed you a napkin. "You didn't have to do that ya know?" You glared at him as you wiped your face covered in milk. "It's my way of paying you back..and apologizing for what I said the other day."

His smiled dropped as he remembered you lashing out at him. "It's alright I under-"

"No you don't, I was wrong to yell at you after you had taken care of me, I should've stayed quite."

You sadly smiled at him and walked out the cafeteria. "Wait up." He jogged up beside you and put his jacket over your wet back.

"You'll catch a cold again."

"But I have you to take care of me right?"

He stopped in his tracks and looked at you. His heart was racing and his face was red.



It became a routine that [name] would take Takushi to the well known convenience store to pick up his child.

This afternoon was one of them. She drove to the store remembering the familiar turns.

They made it shortly and was already met with a problem. In the past situations like this occurred quite often.

But today Mao simple refused to leave making her aunty and uncle stay and play all while watching the shop.

A sort of complicated form of multitasking. After a while the young girl was finally drained of energy and was taken home.

However the left over party sat exhausted as they rested outside on the bench. "Sorry to have to keep dragging you into these problems."

She didn't mind but having it happen so often was like a nightmare repeating itself. "It's alright, Maos the only exception." Keishin chuckled, he reached in his pocket and pulled out his pack of cigarettes.

He tipped the pack toward [name]. She followed along with his offer and took one. "He seemed to be struggling as he patted around for his lighter.

She saw the struggle and quickly reacted and reached in her bag for her own. He took the lighter and thanked her before lighting his cig.

It's was just a way of returning favor, but She had felt as if she accomplished a life goal just seeing his radiant smile.

Her heart was uncontrollable, as he looked at her for a second before lighting her cigarette.

Taking her by surprise she flinched a bit as he chuckled at her expression.

[name's] breathing became uneven as she tried to grasp upon her consciousness.

She felt ecstatic.

He looked into the night sky as they both could feel the slow breeze along with the tantalizing hint of lethargic.

The familiar smell of the grey smoke but also the calming feel it gave.

The pair enjoyed that small moment next to each other. No words, just the quiet cricket noises and cars that occasionally drove by.

After a while the pair were inside cleaning up for the night. Keishin closed up the store and heading out with [name].

"Wanna head out for dinner?" Keishin sudden suggestion caught her attention. But she agreed nonetheless.

[name] recommend a restaurant near by, they both agreed and drove towards the designated place.

When arriving they were immediately seated and got straight to ordering.

"Welcome, welcome love birds!!" Hagima greeted and she recognized her old upperclassman.

"Not love birds Hagima." [name] said as she glared at her. "Not yet at least, make sure to have lots of babies!"


"Your blushing."

"Fuck you."

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