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With you..tonight
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The silent breathing filled the air as the nonfunctional players stood at the door looking at their coach and familiar visitor.

No sound was made, no movements or a shift in eye contact. [name's] wide eyes stared into her brothers as he could barely process what was happening.

"Y-your dating Coach Ukai?" The eerie silence was filled as the soft voice of her brothers spoke out reading everyone's mind.

"No were not dating." The pair said in unison as they looked at each other then back to the boys who seemed unconvinced.

She sighed and placed a hand on her head, rubbing her temples. "Listen so I had ran into...." the boys listened intently but you made sure to cut out the the 'kissing' part.

"So you were just comforting him?" Ryu summed up as his hand was placed under his chin. "Yes it was all a misunderstanding."

After the embarrassing encounter the team split up and headed home for the night as well as [name].

Ukai ended up hitching a ride with her. She had offered, seeing as the man stayed back pretty late.

"W-why don't you come in for a bit." She gladly accepted and went inside the building following close behind the man.

She entered the apartment seeing as nothing had changed.

They spent most of the evening talking and drinking, occasionally stepping into his balcony for a smoke break.

He wasn't sure is it was considered their second 'date' but he was glad she was there as his comfort. Her soothing words and beautiful smile made him feel warm as he admired her soft out-of work nature.

Although he had never seen her work, he knew for a fact she was good at it. The days she'd visit at his store she'd look stressed or tired sometimes falling asleep on the bench outside the store.

Not minding one bit that she'd sleep there, he'd oftentimes keep her company by sitting at the end of the bench.

Even is he wasn't able to comfort her in the ways she did for him, being there as a friend he felt was enough the repay that debt.

"Woah you have [favorite movie]?" He looked from his phone to see [name] rummaging his old CD's . He got up from his seat and took the item from her hand. "Wanna watch it?"

Her eyes glowed as she excitedly shook her head before shuffling to the couch. He chuckled a bit as he watched her wiggle into the blanket on the couch.

Slipping the CD into the player he messed around with the remote buttons before getting the TV to play the movie. "Your kinda old fashion." She teased when he had finally sat down.

He scoffed as he shifted back to leave a bit of space between the two of them. The movie began and [name] happily cheered for she hadn't seen the movie in quite a while.

Considering she spent most of her time working, her 'fun' life began to slip as she depleted into a world of work and stress.

The movie had played for while, when Ukai noticed [name's] laughs and sniffles became quite. He looked over to see her sleeping soundly.

Her head hung down while the blanket slowly slipped off her body. He moved closer and pulled the blanket up covering her shoulders.

He started to move back but her head stopped him as it fell onto his shoulder. His heart began to race, hearing her small snores and light whispers made him fall even harder for the Director.

Ukai slid one arm behind her back and the other under her legs. Picking her up slowly he made his way into his bedroom.

Placing her down he made sure to fix the blanket. He was tempted to kiss her forehead but wasn't sure that what she wanted.

The man stood there as he watched the Director shift in her sleep. Her eyes were shut but her movements became busier as she shifted around.

He wasn't sure what to do as she began breathing harder. Reaching forward he tried to wake her but that was unsuccessful due to her constant struggle.

[name] wasn't aware of her current situation as Uaki began to panic not sure how to help they crying woman.

When he reached for her hand and grabbed it, she gasped and shot up from the bed.

She struggled to catch her breath as her grip tightened around Ukai's hand. Her widened eyes shedded tears as she looked for a source of comfort.

Looking over she saw Ukai and immediately pulled him into a hug. He wasn't sure what came upon her but went along, for he didn't want to upset her.

"P-please s-stay with me." Her voice was quite, but she sounded as if she was in pain. Her lungs stung and her heart was racing. "Okay."

She buried her head into his shoulder as her tears became endless. The visions she had witnessed were too much for her to handle, the constant regret, worry, stress was all a repeating story.

The room was silent, beside the occasional sniffles of the crying woman. He held her in his arms as he could feel her breath slow down and her grip on his shirt loosen.

[name] had fallen asleep again. He laid her down, but went along as he kept her in his arms.

He could feel her snuggle closer to him, making his heart race.

Soon he too fell asleep holding the fragile beauty in his arms.

So the dream I mentioned could be about whatever you'd like it was just something i though I'd add to help create a stronger bond between characters
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