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Always helping
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A week had passed [name] was having a rough day. Meeting after meeting her mood had depleted making her have a gloomy aura.

The evening sky was covered in shallow clouds as the howling wind deafened [name], she was driving with the window down blocking out the music she played to distract herself from the endless thoughts in her mind.

Her mind was clouded as her eyes became moist, not much was able to be processed as her mind became busy giving her a headache. The car stopped at a halt as she sighed letting the tears fall.

[name] took a deep breath before her silent moment was interrupted by her growling stomach.

"Sorry were already closed." The worker of the noodle shop said as [name] was inches from entering the front door.

She nodded and got back into her car.

She drove around aimlessly until she stopped by the convenience store.

[name] walked in and was greeted and told of she needed anything to simply ask. She nodded and headed out for here desired treat.

She placed the items down and began to dig though her purse for money. "Also can I have (cig brand)?." He nodded and reached down to grab her wanted item.

[name] rarely ever smoked unless she was overwhelmed by stressed or just upset. At that moment she was everything.

(Like I mentioned in the bio, smoking and drinking will be mentioned.)

Thanking the worker she left and pulled out her pack for a fresh cig.

The lighter was centimeters away from the cig before a large hand grabbed it from her tossing it away.

She gasped looking at the drunken figure, she began to back away but was too late when the snobby man had her pinned to the damp ground.

Her fight back was proven useless as he was able to stop her movements.

"S-stop please." She begged as the memories came back, she cried as the calloused hand traveled further down her figure. "Let's have some fun little lady." The middle age man said as he tried to pick up [name]

Pain struck through her body as she could only beg. "P-please help." She pleaded, tears beginning to form.

"Oi what are you going?" That voice, it made her eyes widened as she remembered her high school self getting saved.

The voice came closer pulling the man off her shaken body. "She said stop, please leave or I'll report you." He threatened, the old man wavered back and forth before leaving.

She felt her body leave the ground as she was pulled into a warm embrace. "Are you okay?" There it was again, that voice [name] had always remembered, her blurry vision made it harder for her to see as she was too shaken to move.

Her only response was to nod as the man carried her and sat her down on his chair.

[name] breathing became slow as her heart calmed down, she was able to see the worker as he smiled whilst icing her swollen ankle.

W O R T H  I T ~ 𝕌𝕜𝕒𝕚 𝕂𝕖𝕚𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟Where stories live. Discover now