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Ukai and [name] awkwardly sat together on his couch. Just a moment ago he had witnessed you naked when he walked in on you in the shower.

He was alerted when you had suddenly screamed and ran towards the bathroom. Sliding the door open he saw you on the floor.

"G-get out!" You screamed as you grabbed the closest thing to cover your body. He shut the door and walked away.

After you had stepped out the two of you were stuck in the awkward situation. "Sorry I just panicked when you screamed."

"I-it's okay sorry to worry you."

They sat there for a while in silence as many thoughts traveled thought each of your perverted minds.

"A-are you hungry?" He asked to break the silence, but it still lingered when you only nodded.

He stood from the couch and made way to the kitchen.

You looked around his small apartment, it was plain but felt more like a home than where you lived.

It was wasn't flashy or covered with posters of half naked anime women that men his age called 'waifus'

But was actually a very simplistic vibe, maybe a few book shelves with actions figures but that was really the only 'flashy' thing he had.

You wandered around looking at his books about volleyball and a few photos he had of his volleyball team. He even had one of the girls team but you didn't ask.

Occasionally he'd look out from the kitchen to see you reading some of the books. He couldn't help but admire your small figure in his baggy clothes.

He blushed and looked away so he wouldn't cut himself. Well he looked away cause he didn't want to get caught staring.

After a while he had finished and placed the food on the small table in his living room.


They ate and joked around a bit sharing old stories and more. You enjoyed home made food. Even though Ukai wasn't a good cook he could tell you enjoyed the food.

It was a fun dinner for you— often spending dinner alone or skipped due to your unhealthy work habits you inherited from your father that you often laughed about.

It continued on for a while, but Takushi caught on when he noticed your pale face and your absence at work from getting sick.

So he started forcing you to eat even if you didn't have time, even if it wasn't very professional he knew as your friend and co worker he had to make sure you was in the tip-top shape.

"This is good!" Your praise made his heart pace. He smiled and thanked you as he continued eating.

The meal came to end, as a way of thanking him you offered to wash the dishes. "It's fine I'll do them."

"No you already did enough for me I'll do it." He sighed and went to grab the dishes from your hands. You shook your head and turned away from him.

You continued for a while until you had finally walked away. He chuckled at you, he the accidentally slipped forward pushing you a bit.

You was caught off guard making you drop a plate. "Oh no I'm so sorry." You quickly bent down and began to pick up the broken pieces.

"No it my fault I bumped into you." He bent down and helped you— you shook your head and took the pieces from him.

You tossed them out and went back to cleaning the remaining dishes. "Sorry about your plate, how much I'll pay you back!"

He was shocked but denied her offer. "It's really fine." You reluctantly gave up with trying to argue with him.

You felt bad but didn't want to annoy him with being to persistent about small matters.

"It's getting late why don't we head to bed." You nodded but sat there unsure what to do. "My room is the last door you can sleep there."

Before you could say anything he had already pushed you in the room. "Goodnight." He said as he shut the door.

You stood there processing the whole situation. A yawn made way as you decided to just to sleep. You was out in seconds upon laying down on the bed.


"Director what happened?" Takushi immediately asked when you arrived to work with a wrapped up ankle.

You had explained the situation to him and went to your office. "Oh can you get me some spare clothes?"

He nodded and headed out to get you clothes. Takushi went to your house, you were close friend from high school, so you trusted him enough to give him a spare key to your house.

On his way back his mind trailed back to when you mention Ukai.

Takushi smiled and he remembered his cousin and how persistent he was on meeting you everyday after school. To the point when Takushi went to the SC meetings Ukai would tag along just for you.


After work you carried on with your normal routine. You went volleyball practice and then home.

However you still had to pay Ukai back for all the trouble he had to go through. "Take me to Sakanoshita Market please." The cab driver nodded and drove to the desired place.

A while passed and the cab pulled over, you paid and thanked the driver and walked into the store.

"Welco- hello Sugawara-san." You greeted him back and walked over to the counter. "Here, my number, let's go out for dinner this weekend as my way of paying you back."

He took the card and looked at it. "Okay I'll be sure to meet you." You smiled and began to walk out. But you stopped and turned back.

"Don't be late for our date."

"Wouldn't miss it for the world."

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