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The weekend had finally come, [name] seemed cheerful for it had caught the attention of her secretary.

"You seem quite happy,did something happen?" Takushi asked before seating himself in front of his boss. "Well I guess you could say that." [name] smiled as she hummed to herself whilst sipping on her morning beverage.

Takushi seemed skeptical as his eyes narrowed at the radiant woman. "A date perhaps?" He suddenly asked catching her off guard. "W-Wahh n-no it just a dinner." She turned away as a small pout formed on her lips.

"So it is a date." He said, she was about to deny it but sooner or later she would have to tell him.

[name] playfully glared at the man. "I'm just repaying someone for helping me." Takushi seemed confused as he thought back to when something like that would ever happen. "Oh your going with Keishin!" Her eyes widened as Takushi was quick to pick up on.

"How- what!?"

"Your not too hard to read."

He shrugged and smiled proudly. "Then when are you having this date?"



[name's] aggressiveness showed and she tossed the folder onto the desk. "Make sure to turn this in before night fall."

A new assistant nodded and bowed once more before making their way back to their department.

[name] became frustrated as the day seemed to carry out longer than usual. Even though the meeting for the dinner was never officially agreed upon, she made it an obligation to leave before sun set.

The clocks repeating ticks became louder in the quiet office, as she hurriedly signed off paper, but making sure she read through them enough.

"Done." She glanced at the time again for the nth time that afternoon. She confidently huffed out her breath before getting up from her seat and grabbing her bag.

"I'm leaving you should head out for the night as well." He nodded and began to pack up. She headed down to the garage and unlocked her car.

[name] decided to help boost her moral and turned on some music.
(You can play the song up in the margin)

Her finger tapped to the beat against the steering wheel, as her eyes followed the long roads.

That every once in a while she'd drive over a puddle that reflected the bright crimson sky, turning into ripples as her wheels passed through the water. Which coincidently rippled on beat of the song.

Humming along to the beat she turned down the slope toward the shop and pulled over to the side.

Reaching over she turned the volume down and stepped out the car.

[name] walked in to see Ukai and an unfamiliar woman conversing.

Thinking nothing of it she decided to wait to the side, leaning against the wall with her arms crossed over one another.

"[name] your here, I'll close up soon." The unfamiliar lady looked over at the business woman and glared at her. [name] stared back, lucky that her sunglasses covered her stern, cold eyes.

The other lady walked passed her making sure to look intimidating was her shoulder slightly touched [name's].

[name] wasn't sure how to respond as Uaki had stepped out with his coat in hand. "Okay let's get going."

She followed after as she entered the driver side of her car. "Where would you like to eat?" She asked the man as he put on his seatbelt.

"Anywhere is fine with me." [name] nodded as she put the car in drive. She decided to try out the new restaurant near her work.

The two stepped out and walked into the diner. "Welcome how ma- [name] hello!!" A high pitched female voice called out to her. She looked up to see her underclass men from back in school.

"Hagima nice to se you again." She greeted back. "Okay table for two, right away!!" She gave a suggestive brow raise as she looked at the stiff man beside her old friend.

She placed them in the back where she'd soon returned with their drinks.

"I'll be back love birds!" She chirped as she skipped away to the back.

The two blushed as they shared and awkward glance. "I think I'll get [f/f]." [name] said as it was something she always ate. "Me too."

Soon they placed orders and sat in silence. [name's] curiosity chewed at her as her mind carried back to the interaction at the store earlier that evening.

She looked at the male across from her that was staring out the window, his face glowed as the afternoon sun began to set.

[name] wondered if he knew the woman considering they seemed pretty close to each other, laughing and touching seemed consistent as the woman often slapped his arm as she tried comedic attempts.

[name] thought the woman was attractive, but her snarky movements said otherwise as she couldn't help but subconsciously rubbed the shoulder the mysterious woman touched.

"Are you cold?" Ukai snapped her out her thoughts as he noticed to woman rubbing her shoulder.

"Y-yeah a little." The small lie seemed to work for her as he grabbed his coat and stood, walking over to her side. He draped the coat over her sides and made sure to cover both shoulders.

Thanking the man she could automatically smell the light aroma of cigarettes mixed with his cologne. The sent made her feel the warmth that she felt the years prior to right at that moment.

"That woman earlier in the store who is she?" She mustered out as it caught the attention of the man bringing an awfully odd look.

"Y-you don't have to tell me it's non-" held her hand up shaking them in a way to tell him it was okay. Mid-sentence he cut in surprising the nervous woman.

"She's my ex girlfriend."

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