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Unintentional pain..
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Disclaimer: A lot of swearing...

"You sick bastard, what the hell is wrong with you." Keishin threw a punch towards Shimo, landing a hard one against his cheek.

[name] grew concerned when she heard the loud noises from where she once stood with Keishin and Shimo.

From afar she could see past the small crowed to see Keishin pinning  Shimo against the concrete.

She rushed over and pushed Keishin off and pulled Shimo up. His lips was busted and his nose was bleeding. She gasped as she pulled out her handkerchief placing it under his nose.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" She angrily screamed as she pushed Keishin further away from her. "L-let me explain he I-"

"Stop you don't need to explain, you heartless asshole." Helping Shimo stand they began to walk away. "Save your excuses for someone who cares."

And with that they were gone. From afar Keishin could see the injured man turn and smirk at him before wrapping his arm around [name's] waist.

You may be wondering what happened well let's see~


[name] and Keishin hung out with eachother again after work and coincidentally ran into Shimo.

Being the nice boss she was, [name] invited Shimo out to dinner with them. And in cases like this [name] had left them in an awkward situation as she excused herself to the washroom.

After the uncomfortable dinner they all walked around two and enjoyed the small festival near by. Occasionally [name] ran off to some food stand even after they had eaten she still had room in her belly for more.

"Doesn't she look beautiful in that dress." Shimo looked her up and down as she walked between two food stands. "What she wears doesn't define her beauty."

Keishin replied as he rather watch her happy face rather than her body. "Ha whatever, I bet she'd look sexy without it." Shimo smirked as he could only imagine.

He continued to talk nonsense about her body as Keishin grew disgusted by how the man thought. Keishin was sure that Shimo had gone insane, how he'd explained what he'd do to her if they were together or the way he looked at her with hungry eyes.

Keishin thought it was disgusting, watching him gobble her down with just his eyes was very unsettling. "You sick bastard what the hell is wrong with you."


The next few days [name] avoided having to pick up her brother from practice. She was upset with Keishin and hated his guts.

Although she thought he meant well he probably had other motives. 

One unfaithful evening her parents called saying that her bother had an emergency at school and couldn't pick him up.

[name] was too blinded with worry to avoid Keishin at the moment. When she arrived at the school gates she ran into the school and went to the office where they guided her to Koushi.

He was sleeping peacefully on the bed with a cold patch on his head.

After a while he had woken to see his sister worriedly biting her nails next to him. "H-hey." He said as he sat up.

"Goodness Koushi I was so worried!" She embraced him and patted his hair as he hugged back.

"You should be taking care of yourself and eating proper meals." She scolded as her brother nodded even thought he wasn't listening.

The two were exiting the school and were currently in the car back to [name's] work.

"I'm worried." Koushi suddenly spoke. "Why?" She glanced at him to see him looking out the window. "Coach had been evidently upset these past few days."

Her breathe hitched upon hearing him. She didn't say much but only hummed. "Why do you think that?"

"He had this sad expression and even called off practice early one day even though it had just started."

She felt guilt but knew he was not good considering what had happened the other day.

"Well I hope he gets better."

Koushi hummed as his way of agreeing with her.

~ so uhh yeah hoped you enjoyed!

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