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Feeling of eagerness
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On one faithful evening you had plans that you and Keishin agreed upon. It was that the two of you were going out for a movie night together.

After you had declined on the last movie night you decided to go as an apology.

He was given tickets from his friends who couldn't make it due to work problems, so he offered to take you as he knew you liked [favorite movie].

You were excited to say the least and was ready to leave for the day. "I'll head out you should too, you did good today." The half lie seemed to convince the new intern as they bowed showing their gratitude towards the half-hearted complement.

From the building windows you could see Keishin standing outside waiting for you. Just from the corner of your eyes you could see a woman approach him.

Your steps fastened as you pushed through the busy workers to leave faster. "Sorry I already have a girlfriend." You could hear bit of the conversation as you neared. "Come on I bet I'm prettier than her."

The unknown guest was beginning to tick you off as she tried to convince him again. 'Curse attractive men' you thought as you finally reached your destination.

"Hey babe ready to go?" Keishin flinched a little before looking down at you. "Yeah let's go."

"Thanks for that back there." You hummed and continued walking. "Y-you can unhook your arm now." You looked down to see you had wrapped your arms around Keishin's. "Sorry."

'Dammit Keishin why'd you say that.' He mentality cursed as he continued on.

Finally you made it to the movies and got your desired items.

Upon entering the theater you scanned around the room to see a familiar face in the crowd. They waved at you and motioned you to the empty seat next to them.

"Shimo-san hello." He greeted the both of you as he watched to take your places.

"Woah she so lucky sitting between two handsome men." A whisper could be heard but you didn't bother.

"If i knew you were coming we would have invited you." You said to Shimo, he smiled and said it was alright.

Keishin watched in disgust as the two converse, not at [name] but mostly at Shimo who constantly complemented her or said abnormal things.

The movie carried on as [name] unintentionally used Keishin as a tissue when scenes worth crying over appeared.

As the end of the movie rolled around the trio left and waited in the lobby for [name] as she went for a a short bathroom break.

"Oi what are you playin at huh?" Shimo asked Keishin as the stood together. "I don't understand." Shimo scoffed and turned to face Keshin. "She's obviously into me, why do you bother."

This time Keishin scoffed and turned to face Shimo. "It's not like I'm doing anything wrong to her, is she chooses me then be happy for her, don't drank your messed up love life into ours."

"Messed up? You know nothing about be."

"I don't but I know enough to see that your desperate."

Shimo tched and walked away, after [name] returned from the washroom she questioned where Shimo had gone.

"Let's head home okay?" She agreed and walked out the theater with Keishin.

This one is a bit hard for me to write but I hoped you enjoyed!!

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