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Flashback will continue on for a while..
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[name] didn't say anything but instead stood at his door waiting for his invitation.

"You still haven't answered my question Sugawara-san." He said as he let her enter.

She turned and bowed to him, then apologized for her sudden appearance. "I-it's okay, may I ask how you got my address?"

"I looked up your information in the school files." She didn't bother beating around the bush as she didn't feel the need to lie or was embarrassed about it.

His expression was troubled as he wasn't sure how to feel. After a while of just staring at each other in silence someone had suddenly entered the hall where they stood.

It was his mother, she was holding a baby in one arm while the other held a toy. "D-did you finally get a girlfriend?" Her face suddenly lit up as the baby's mood seemed to brighten as well.

He was quick to deny the fact which made his mother more suspicious.

"We are not dating, he is not my type." [name] straightforwardness made his mother laugh as her son tried to push her away to avoid embarrassment.

After the whole situation calmed down, [name] finally had the chance to speak with him. "Take this, it had stuff to help with the scars." He thanked her. "I'll be on my way now."

"Huh? Wait why don't you stay I can repay you."

"That won't be necessary, I mustn't disturb your family, goodbye Takushi-san." With that she left without a another word.


A few week had passed and Takushi finally built up the courage to speak with you again.

After the encounter a while back, he felt bad just leaving you off without a proper response of gratitude.

With a bento and drink in hand he stood from his seat and walked over to your desk that sat in the corner.

"C-can I join you?" You looked from your book and saw him. "Sure just don't eat too loud." His breath hitched, but he sat nonetheless.

His attempts at starting a conversation seemed useless as you gave short responses, as you were too busy reading.

"To be frank you won't make many friends if you keep this attitude up."

Takushi finally did it, he said what everyone wanted to say. Although you were known as a demon, people respected you but gave up on attempts in befriending you.

"Attitude? I don't understand."

He sighed and crossed his arms. "If you want people to like you, you try to be more considerate of their feelings and try to smile more."

As time progressed his mini lessons turned into daily routines of getting you to get along with others. He attended your student council meetings and even asked you to sign up for a club.

"I have no hobbies." He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Have you played any sports?" You thought for a moment. "I played volleyball in middle school."

"There you go! Now come on let's go to the volleyball club."

You didn't get a second to argue as he grabbed your hand and dragged you to the gym.

In situations where a pair would befriend one another the girl in most stories were the persistent type. They would always bug the male party and stick around even if the person didn't like them.

However in this case Takushis persistent attempts to change you were quite successful. You found yourself enjoying his company and his small rants he'd go on about school.

Students around you began to notice this. The smiles that grew on your face, and your willingness to help others.

When the two of you made it to the gym, the students currently practicing stopped as their attention turned to you.

"She would like to join the volleyball club." The girls started at eachother, they probably wondered why the student council president would want to play volleyball.

"Yes, I'm willing to join." They stared at you for a good while before the coach stepped in and allowed you to show off your 'skills'

You were pretty mediocre in everything, but setting seemed to impress the coach the most.

After looking evaluating, you were deemed a player of the karasunos girls volleyball team.

~time skip many years cause I'm lazy~

Now in her third year, [name] remained as student council president. However she was chosen to be vice captain of the volleyball team which was the last responsibility she thought she'd get.

[name] and Takushi's relationship began to sprout as they did everything together, even had the same classes all three years.

They were currently walking home together. Takushi was usually dropped off first, so when arriving they stopped to see an unknown car parked in the driveway.

[name] was just as curious as her friend so decided to help spy. When they entered the house the noticed a pair of slippers and volleyball shoes?

A second passed and the sound of running footsteps could be heard. "Aito your home!" His mother gave him a hug before turning to [name] and giving her one as well.

"He's back!" Takushi suddenly smiled and ran with his mother.

"W-wait who's back?"

She then ran to find the pair in the living area with another pair. It was a slightly taller lady with whom [name] assumed was her son.

He was taller then Takushi and was wearing a track suit. His hair was shaven giving him a bad boy vibe.

To [name] he was without a doubt handsome.

She caught herself staring and immediately walked in further.

"Oh meet my cousin, Ukai Keishin meet Sugawara [name] my friend."

They looked at each other.

"Hello Ukai-san."

Hello S-Sugawara-san."

'Woah.' They both thought.

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