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~ Last chapter ~
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"Huh your what?" Takashi yelled as he grabbed onto [name's] shoulders. "You just started dating...and..and now your moving in with him?"

After only dating for a few weeks Keishin had finally built up the courage to as her to move in which she happily accepted.

[name] simply nodded as she signed off her papers. "Oh dear..what will your father think of he finds out?"

She stopped writing and looked up at the man. "Don't worry about it, he's not invited to the wedding."


"And he won't ever meet his grand children."


Takashi sat down to catch his breathe as he was pacing around the room. "Have you told the team?"

"I'll let them find out on their own, beside why ruin the fun for kou." She shrugged and she playfully hummed. "You gonna be the death of me."

"Not before you retire." She said sternly as he glared at her secretary. "Hai hai." He clapped his hands together and stood from his chair. "I'll help you move."

"You can move in too then!"

"No baka, working for you is enough."

~time skip~

You didn't bother taking anything from your house besides your clothes so the only thing you and Takushi did was clean.

"Your not taking any of this with you?" He asked as you began to cover things up with sheets. "No it was all gifted from my dads friends they hold no meaning."

Takushi snickered and placed the suitcase into the car.

"Thanks Takushi." You waved bye as you grabbed you suitcases. The elevator was out of orders so you had to drag two suitcases full of clothes up a few flights of stairs.

You finally made it to his door and grabbed the spare key he gave you. "I'm home?" You walked further into the apartment to see Keishin knocked out on the couch.

Light snores were heard as half his limbs were sprawled out on the floor. You bent and squeeze his nose blocking his airway.

After a while he began to cough and open his eyes. "What a-are you d-doing?" He patted his chest as he tried to catch his breath. "Morning!"

You have him a toothy smile, as you tried to play innocent. He scoffed and wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you closer.

"I missed you."

"I saw you yesterday."

He hummed and continued to hug you. Suddenly he leaned back which made you fall onto his lap. You sat there starting into his eyes.

A moment of bliss and love made you want to kiss him. And so you did. "Aunty and uncle are doing the dirty!" A child like voice screamed out.

You quickly jumped off his lap and turned to the door where Mao stood covering her tiny eyes. "I forgot to close the door." You whispered as you facepalmed.

"Next time knock." Keishin said to Takushi who soon followed in after his daughter.

"Whatever, my mother wanted me to drop this off for you." Takushi placed down a larg box a wrapped in a silk cloth.

You undid the ribbon and saw a large bento box. Opening each one you were amazed by all the food.

The four of you are together as you shared the lunch together.

"Daddy let's go to the park!" Mao yelled as she pointed out the window towards the neighborhood park. He didn't have time to argue as she begun to drag him out the apartment.

You laughed but stopped when a pair of arms trailed around your waist. "Let's get back to where we were."

"Let me close the door first."

~time skip ~

You have been living with him for a few months now and everything was pretty normal aside from Takushi dropping Mao off when he and his newly found significant other went on a date.

Currently you where making breakfast, as Keishin walked out the shared room and walked towards you wrapping his arms around your waist placing his head comfortably between your shoulder and neck.

"Stop the food going to burn." He pouted but listened and went to sit down. You served the food and began to eat.

After a while you cleaned everything up and got ready for work. "You better get ready instead of staring at me change."

You scolded as Keishin stood at the doorway watching you. "Is that a new bra?" He asked as he pushed himself off the door frame.

"Get out perv."


Okay see you later, love you." He gave you a quick kiss before leaving the car. You waved at him and drove away from the school.

After a while you noticed he left his binder. You sighed and quickly turned the car around to head back towards the school.

You knew he had morning practice so you ran to the gym. Sliding the door open you quickly ran over to Keishin.

"You forgot your binder." He thanked you and pressed a kiss on your forehead. "Umm are you forgetting we're here?"

The two of your turned to see the players staring at you with wide eyes.


"Woah Suga-san Coach is gonna be your brother-in-law!"

"Lord kill me."

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