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A few weeks passed and [name] was watching the boys with practice for the upcoming match against Nekoma.

Although dress pants and a blouse weren't the ideal type of clothing for volleyball. She'd still offer to stand in place for setting when Tobio refused to. Which was mostly when Shōyō got too excited.

She was caught up in the moment when Takeda came running into the gym. "Excuse me." He yelled, Daichi rounded up the boys as they gathered around near the door.

[name] stopped herself from tossing the ball as she looked over to where the boys stood. Looking past the boys a familiar blond emerged from behind the shorter male.

Her eyes widened as her grip on the ball loosened seeing the two toned haired man.

"As of today he is your new coach, please welcome Ukai."

"Huh?" The team said in unison as they all looked at him with confused or surprised looks. "Your that old grumpy guy who runs the convenience store near by." Ryu said as he pointed at the man.

[name] seems confused as she became silent only able to stare at him as he conversed with the students.

She snapped out of her thoughts and tossed the ball back into the basket before making way towards the group.

He locked eyes with her as she neared. "W-why are you here." Ukai asked as he interrupted the conversation between the murmuring teens. "I hang out here often with my brother."

She smiled at him, forgetting that there were a bunch of teens behind them more confused than the current situation.

"You know him?" Daichi asked as he came up behind [name] "yeah we went to school together." They all seemed to understand, clearing up any misunderstandings.

"Well let's get going then, the neighborhood association should be arriving soon!" Ukai clapped his hands gaining the attention of the boys.

[name] and Ukai stood on the side lines as the boys began a short practice match. "Guess I'm seeing you sooner than planned" She said catching his attention.

"Well I'm not complaining." He smiled as she tried to suppress her blush. "T-then I guess I'll be seeing you more often." She nudged his arm, trying to play off her flustered state.

"Yup but I gotta say orange over there has great height." She hummed in agreement and continued watching them practice.

Tadashi got into a receiving position as the ball came towards him. His form was off a bit causing the ball to fly off his elbow toward the door.

He ran to grab the ball, but another hand intercepted.

The said person tossed the ball back and Tadashi thanked him. A few seconds passed as three other men came following the dark haired male.

"We're the neighborhood association!" They all said in sync as they walked further into the gym.

"Sorry for calling on such short notice." Ukai said as he ran towards the players.

[name] sighed as she went to sit down at the bench.

"Let's get started." They all cheered at the game began.

The matches started between the boys and the neighborhood association team. Occasionally [name] jumped in, but she mostly kept score.

Everyone was amazed she was able to play in her work clothes, her sleeves were rolled up and her pants her folded at the end.

Even is they weren't meant to be played in she definitely made the most out of her situation. The team manager offered her clothes but [name] declined.

Cause well she wasn't an official member nor administrator, so technically she was trespassing.

Ukai was supposedly watching the boys team but he was to distracted watching [name] as she saved a low receive.

She stepped forward and bent her knee while the other leg was straight out. The ball was second away from falling but [name] successfully set the ball towards the man-bun kid.

After the amazing spike the team cheered as they praised [name] and Jesus 2.0 on the good play.

Her sets weren't as precise like Kageyama's or as high and straight as her brothers. But she was in fact a great master mind when it came down to preserving energy and having good form.

The new coach wasn't sure why but he could remember the way she played back in school.

When time permitted he would watch from the stands of the gym and be sucked in, as her sets amazed the young player back then.

From just watching her play at the moment, he could imagine her in her jersey, and her knee pads. Ukai didn't know exactly why, but he was captivated by her.

To him [name] wasn't just beautiful but she was smart and talented. Her words didn't mean much when it came to playing but her actions showed her dedication. Even if that moments didn't last long.

After a while the matched ended with the neighborhood assoc. taking the last set. [name] cheered as she high-five the players on the her side.

Practice was over and the boys all went on their ways. [name] stayed back and helped clean and locked up the gym.

"Get home safety Kou!" She waved and began her way home. "W-wait can I walk you home?" She turned and looked at Ukai.

She paused for a second before laughing. "W-were not in high school anymore you don't have to ask." He chuckled in embarrassment and followed up beside her.

"You played good today." He broke the silence. "Thanks, although I'm kinda of upset to not see you play." [name] admitted, she knew he was a good player but had never seen him in action since he told her he was in the bench warming club.

He explained to her that he wanted to watch the boys play to see what he could do during practices before the Nekoma match. She understood his reasons and carried on home.

"Thank you for walking me home, get home carefully." He smiled and walked off in the opposite direction.

"Bye coach!"

Ukai waved as he heard her yell to him. He smiled to himself and happily hummed as his heart raced.

To clear up any confusion, you live in a whatever size home, but it's closer to the school and conveniently close to your company :)
Which is why walking is mentioned a lot when you get off work and/or form volleyball.

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