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All a misunderstanding..
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Ukai shut his eyes in irritation as he turned to the annoyingly familiar voice of his ex girlfriend.

She ran up to the pair, and grabbed Ukai's arm and interlocking them together. "Who's this?" She asked as she attempted an innocent voice which made the pair want to rip their ears out.

"I'm [name] and you are?" The unknown lady introduced herself as 'Mahito Risa' Ukai's ex girlfriend which [name] guessed right.

"Starting to wonder if your voice is the reason Ukai left you." [name] mumbled to herself which made Ukai stifle a laugh as he successfully escaped from the repulsive oxygen-depleting ass wipe he once dated.

Risa entered the store, greeting Ukai's mother to which she didn't seem to like as his mother scowled at her.

Ukai looked at [name] with an apologetic smile as he sighed walking into the store where his mother glared at him. Which probably meant she wasn't fond of the fact his ex was there.

He proceeded to sit in the chair taking over his mother's shift.

[name] didn't seem to have any other plans so she decided to stay. Maybe play for a bit.

Walking into the store she looked around for a bit, grabbing snacks and drinks she thought she would enjoy.

As she strolled the isles of the store, Ukai could see Risa peaking back and forth between isles.

He chuckled a bit when Risa glared at [name] who came up to pay for her items.

"Is this all?" He asked, she looked at him with a playful smirk and nodded. Ukai seemed confused at first as he wasn't sure what [name] was going to play at.

"Would you like your receipt?" [name] looked as Risa then back to him seeing as she decided to piss her off. "Yeah if your number comes with it."

Ukai's eyes widened as he looked at [name]. That's when she looked over a the waste of air beside him, that he caught onto what she was doing.

He smiled and nodded seeing as Risa gasped and looked at [name] who stuck out her tongue.

He scribbled down random numbers since [name] already had it. Handing her the slip of paper he winked at her making the waste of air boil in anger.

She reached forward and snatched the paper from [name's] hand and ripped it up right in front of her.

[name] smirk didn't falter as she shrugged and walked over to the small table that sat adjacent to the counter.

The ex was confused at how she wasn't angry about the fact that she had just ripped up her receipt.

"H-hey get out of here you boyfriend snatching bitch." Her insult made [name] burts into fits of laughter as her gaze darkened.

"Boyfriend snatching bitch, don't make me laugh." [name] stood up as walked closer to the woman. "We might have to point out he's already mine."

Ukai's eyes widened hearing those words come from [name's] mouth. Risa looked over at Ukai as her way of finding confirmation in her claim.

He nodded as he couldn't help the blush that made way. "I-I dont believe you, your just playing with me." Risa knuckles became white as her hands tighten into a fist.

"Then I'll just have to prove it." [name] heart started to race as she made her way towards Ukai. Her face showed panic and Ukai wasn't sure what to tell her.

The two were in their own show as the ex felt even more angry. [name] came closer and pulled his head down to whisper in his ear. "What should I do?" Her voice was panicked and Ukai was just as nervous as her.

"I don't know." He said as he saw from the corner of his eye Risa staring at the pair. "I got it." He leaned back and this time pulled [name] closer by her waist.

He then placed his other hand behind her head pulling it closer. "W-what a-are you doing?" She whispered as he leaned closer.

Although [name] was playing she didn't expect it to reach to this point where she'd kiss a man she wasn't dating.

Though she wasn't complaining as her heart told her to got for it. As they inched closer she could hear him whisper. "If you uncomfortable just cover you mouth when we kiss." She hummed.

As they inched closer they closed their eyes showing they were committed to doing this heinous act.

"S-stop I get it!" Risa yelled, the two stopped and backed away. "W-whatever it's not like I liked him anyway." She pouted and ran out the store leaving the two to stare at each other before become blushing messes.

[name] backed away from the counter and sat down at the small table from before. Letting the deep breathe she was holding, she grabbed a drink and opened it before gulping it down in one go.

"Sorry I didn't want to make you uncomfortable." Ukai came over and sat across from [name]. "I-it's okay." She smiled at him as he sighed leaning back in the chair.

"Although I am curious, why would she say she never liked you if she was clearly upset with us..well flirting."

Ukai looked down at his lap, as he fiddled with his fingers. "After two years of dating, I had found out that she had been cheating on me."

[name's] eyes widened as she looked at the man who was clearly upset. She apologized to him which was dismissed as he said it was okay.

He wasn't sure how he felt at that moment. He knew for a fact he didn't love Risa but he was so broken hearted over the fact he had spent two years of his life wasted just to find out the love and affection he gave was never appreciated.

[name] subconsciously stood and walked over pulling the man into a hug.

He didn't say anything as he accepted the hug. "Hey don't- ouch bakayama!" A loud voice came crashing in as the players of the Karasuno volleyball team bustled in.

The two froze in their spot as they player did as well upon seeing their coach embracing a woman.

"W-wahoo coach had a girlfriend!" Ryu yelled out as he began teasing his coach.

[name] pushed back but never turned afraid of being confronted for false accusations.

"We'll introduce us?" Yuu yelled out as he and Ryu pumped their fist up and down in anticipation. "G-Guys it's a misunderstanding we're not da-."

"[name]?" She flinched as she heard her brothers voice.

"Hey Kou." She sheepishly smiled as the players eyes widened.

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