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Accidental meeting
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The pair sat together as they waited for their orders to arrive.

"Sorry for the wait here are you dishes." The worker placed the plates down.

They are in silence but occasionally shared a few words.

Ukai ended up paying the bill which [name] wasn't too happy about. But they headed out anyway. The night was yet to end so they spent their time together looking around.

"Ah Sugawara-san!" [name] looked back to see her co worker. "Shimo-san hello." She greeted back. Shimo neared closer and stopped when he saw Ukai.

"W-who's this?" He asked pointing to the man beside her. "Oh Ukai this is Shimo-san he's a co worker."

Ukai greeted back but kept his distance from the new comer.

"Well I'll see you at work bye!" Shimo waved and walked the other way. Ukai found him weird. He was awfully close in [name's] personsal space, even if Ukai didn't know him he wasn't sure the Shimo guy had good intentions.


A week had passed [name] hasn't visited the shop which made Keishin worried that she was angry. For what reason? He wasn't sure.

But for a fact she was super busy. Takushi was out cause his daughter became sick.

"N-no dont submit it yet- just let me do it." [name] sighed for the nth time that day. Takushi was out of the office and [name] was stuck helping new interns.

"Get out, I'll do it myself, make yourself useful and get your manager." They bowed and quickly left. 'What a pain.' She thought as she rummaged thought the unorganized files.

After a while the intern came back with Shimo. "You can leave now." They bowed and left, leaving the two.

"Have this completed by the end of the week, I don't care who works on it." He smiled and nodded. "Yes Director."


The end of the week came, as expected Shimo was able to complete the plan. [name] was great full that she had the stress taken off her shoulders.

"We'll be having a business trip to Tokyo, this weekend pack for two nights and three days."

"Just me?"

"Yes, your the only one needed." She said as she handed a folder to Takushi. "We'll meet here at the office before heading out."

He bowed and left the office. "I don't need to go right?" Takushi asked as he began to look at his busy schedule. "No I took you off the admission form."


The weekend had finally rolled around and you were packing for a business trip when your phone rang. "Hello." You answered as you used your shoulder as a support for your phone. "Hey [name] I have tickets to a movie this weekend do you want to come?"

The caller turned out to be Keishin, you sighed. "Sorry I have a business trip this weekend." He sadly sighed. "Where will you be going?"

"To Tokyo."

"Oh that quite far." He said with a surprised tone. "When we return you and me can go to the movies together."


"Oh me and Shimo-san are going together."

On the other line Keshins eyes widened as he stood from his seat. "J-just the two of you?" You hummed in respondence to his question. "You know the crazy thing is the company won't let us stay in separate rooms so we have to share."

Keishins breath hitched at how casually you could say that you'd be sharing a room with a person of opposite sex. "I hope we don't share a bed, haha I have to go talk to your soon."

"Yeah..uh be safe." You hung up the phone and grab your suite case before heading out to your car. Meanwhile Keishin stood in his store dazed as he overthought what would happen between you and Shimo.

"Uhh sir I'm ready." And customer said as they waved their hand had him. "Oh sorry."


Most of the drive to Tokyo consisted of you driving and Shimo messing around in your car. "Where here." He smiled and got out the car.

The two of you entered the hotel and went up to the room. "T-there's only one bed." You mumbled to yourself as you walked further into the room.

"I'll sleep on the couch if your uncomfortable with sharing a bed." He said as he took a seat on the couch. "Oh okay thank you."

"Let's head out we have a few meetings to attend." He nodded and grabbed his necessary items.


The week end passed and you were currently packing to head home. After a while Shimo was finished and the two of you headed home.

"Thank you for dropping me off Director." You smiled and drove away back to your home.

Sorry for the slow update but how do you feel about Shimo-san? Maybe he has good intentions or maybe not...hoped you enjoyed tho tried to find a decent way to introduce a new character ;)
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